Let It Snow!!!

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Dan Miller 3

Active Member
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
North Versailles, PA
Well...here in Western PA we had a small snowfall last week. The ST handled great in 2WD and never had to use 4WD. We're expecting a greater snowfall Thurs. night into Fri. morning and I can't wait!!! LET IT SNOW...LET IT SNOW...LET IT SNOW!!!!!!:D:D
That's good news! I'm heading out West to Lancaster PA to visit the In-Laws this weekend; not sure if that's west enough for you Dan, but this will be my first winter with my ST, I can't wait!!!
It is snowing. Just come to my house I just plowed seven inches out of my driveway...
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You guys can keep that crap. I hate the mess it makes out of my cars and the work it takes to clean them up afterwards.
Absolutely!!! I've lived in CT my whole life and love the snow! The trac is just amazing in slippery conditions. God I love my sport trac!!!


<img src="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b41/mlfazzina/000_0166.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

:( We don't get any snow here in sunny FL. I sure wish we did. Someone go outside and hit someone else with a snowball for me. ::sigh::
For some reason we've been missing the storms lately in Maine. I guess it just means we'll get bigger ones later.:rolleyes:

From last spring...

[Broken External Image]:
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Looks like fun! No snow where I live but in CO, where I used to live ...lots of it . I don't mind snow my biggest thing was the goof balls that didn't know how to drive in it. They are scarey!!!!

Just remember 4x4'ers 4wd does'nt mean 4 wheel stop! Be careful! :)
Jenn D said:
We don't get any snow here in sunny FL. I sure wish we did. Someone go outside and hit someone else with a snowball for me.

I'll trade with you. :lol:

Weekend syndicated radio guy, I forget his name:

"Every winter when there's a blizzard, on TV they show some guy at a bar in Key West holding a margarita who says 'That's why I don't live up there'. Well, now I'm looking at your flat house on TV and saying 'That's why I don't live down there'."

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