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LoriMaury Kimbrough

Active Member
Dec 17, 2002
Reaction score
Kingman, AZ
Last Friday I found out that my Mother was going to have emergency bypass surgery the following day. So we changed the oil in the ST and at 5 a.m. Saturday we started the 13 hour drive from Kingman, AZ to Odessa, TX. She ended up a triple-bypass. She had 2 almost 100% blocked and 1 about 70% blocked. She is one lucky lady. Mother is doing great so on Sunday we will make the drive home.

The comfort of knowing that I could just jump in my truck and go was wonderful. Amazing part....once I hit the 80mph speed limit my home state of TX has, the truck avereage 18mph. Probably can be attributed to driving conditions, but I'm not sure that I really care...18mpg is 18mpg. I parked next to an 07 in the hospital parking lot, nice truck...but mine's prettier. :D

I love this truck, but I gotta tell ya...after about 10 hours in the drivers seat, it just doesn't

seem so comfortable anymore. ;)

So if you see my truck hauling ass down either I20 or I10 on Sunday...give us a wave. I always wave at other ST's that I see on the highway.

Glad to hear Mom is doing well. I've been through it with my Dad and Grandma, both triples. Grandma was 86 at the time and she'll be 90 in December, PH Day. Still ornery as ever so she's doing good.

Good luck to your Mom and enjoy your ride.

Glad to hear all is well. I too wave to all ST'ers. My daughters think im nuts :wacko:
I am also glad to hear your mother is doing well! I, along with you, am glad we can hop in our ST's and go the distance. I have been only once to Florida since I have had the ST. that is 14 hours of driving (Evansville, Indiana to Orlando) one way. We had no problems at all. By the way, I also wave to other ST's and I am still carding other ST's!

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Hey Lori, Glad to hear your mom is doing well. I don't know if you were made aware that Georgia had triple bypass in 2001, and since then has had stents and blood clot in her leg. Now is on Cumadin therapy for life. Make sure you mom get on an exercise regimine, and eats only nutritional organic food. I know it is difficult to do, but it is essential. Also, now you know that you are genetically predisposed to cardiovascular disease as well, so take action now. Take care and be safe.

Oh, and my wife thinks I am nuts for waving to other SportTracs. :wacko: It sad that most of the people out there driving ST's are oblivious to the fact that I am waving at their ST, or even that there is another ST in their immediate field of vision. :(
Good to hear your mom is doing well. I drove from w/central Va. to Islamoroda, Fl. Keys and have to agree with you. After 12 hrs of 17 hr trip my butt needed a vacation all its own.
Good luck to you and your Mom.

My dad had a triple bypass five years ago after trying stents. He is now way healthier than me, and can outdo me on physical endurance, etc. Regular exercise and diet improvments have really helped him! Doctor said that his hearth is healthy as a horse now!

BTW: He found out he has obstructive sleep apnea a couple of years ago, and didn't know it. (contrary to popular thought, he has never been overweight). Docs said that the OSA probably weakened his heart quite a bit over the years. If you think you have sleep issues, get them checked out!
Thank you for all of the well wishes. My mother was not a stint candidate, hence the bypass. She is diabetic to boot. It's been fun finding a cardiac/diabetic diet. Because they live 150 miles from where the surgery was done, they have put her in occupational therapy for a bit, probably 5 days. I think that will help give her to confidence and stamina that she will need once they get home.

I knew she was really feeling better when we left for dinner the other night and she told us to take Daddy to Hooters for dinner.

So we are hitting the road tomorrow morning. My daughter now says.."Yes Mom, I saw the Sport Trac". Of course I also point and laugh and the funny looking Crapalanches. :D
Very happy to read your mom is doing well! I know that is very scarey surgery. Glad your boy did well on mpg too! :)
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