Regal One,
As far as (my take) on the "All Things Old, Become New Again":
No, Sir... It is not old by my standards, as it seems to have come full-circle!
There was an article in the Nashville Tennessean paper two weeks ago,
about our local government setting up relief, welcome and temporary employment
shelters/resource facilities in the Nashville area for Katrina Evacuees (as they
don't like to be called 'Refugees'). The temporary offices were set up to handle
approximately 250 people per day, at each center, for both employment, and
assistance for food, monies, and other aid.
The centers that were set up for employment assistance saw a peak of 40-
50 people a day. The centers that were set up to pass out the government
checks and food stamps had lines out the door, people sleeping on the sidewalk
for a week solid to get the free (to them) monies!
I don't, can't and won't feel sorry for someone who takes their $2,000 FEMA
card and goes to a "***** Bar" and blows it!
And in these desperate times, let me re-phrase the words of the late and
great JFK:
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for yourself !"
My answer?
Get up off of your lazy arse, take this as the opportunity of a lifetime, take pride
in yourself, and get out there and make a name for yourself, make something
of yourself, and leave your family a legacy to be proud of. Get out there and
put some blood, sweat and tears into the rebuilding of your (and ours, as America)
Great City of New Orleans, and Biloxi!, MS. ( Let's not forget Biloxi)!
I don't care if you are black, white, yellow or brown.
Not to deny your Heritage, no more than I would care to be denied where my
ancestors are from (I have been called "Hillbilly" many times, and Proud of it)!
Let's just get out there, and everyone do their part, and rebuild our small
part of America, which, overall, will have a greater effect on us all!
Sorry to go too far off on this, but I feel much better, now!
Thank you all for listening to me!