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I know Todd Z and i plan on getting there Wednesday night. Most people show up Thursday evening and some even Friday morning. So the best time would be up to you.

We will post al the exact info once we get it all done.

Friday at the past meets has been the Ford sponsored plant tour with lunch and then something at night with dinner also from Ford. There is a AM and PM plant tour, so I wouldn't arrive to late on Friday. Tours started at 9:30.

Some people leave Saturday and some Sunday. Also some stay all day Sunday and get a fresh start on Monday.

The KC part i don't know who is going so maybe they will chime in.

As we get closer and the official registration page goes up you will be hearing more of when everyone plans to arrive.

Hope to see you there...

Paul H

I just put this in to give any newbies the info again so they don't have to go find it...:D

This is going to be the first post of many. Just so you all know the dates for the meet are going to be Friday June 13th and Saturday June 14th rain or shine!!

To simplify things we are going to be following the same plans as 2006. The hotel is going to be the same and so is Saturdays events at Huber Farms.

For those that did not attend last year or do not have any idea what we are talking about, stay tuned to these posts because all the information you need should be posted within the next few weeks.

We spoke with Ryan Mitten and Krystin K. within the marketing department at Ford and they have confirmed Ford is on board.

On Friday, the meet will consist of a tour of the Louisville Assembly Plant (where are trucks are made) A meet a greet with the people from Ford, some sort of lunch provided by Ford after the tour. And, some sort of night time/dinner activity.

On Saturday, we will convoy from the hotel to Huber farms in Indiana. There we will have a buffet lunch, show and shine, giveaways, raffles, games, and prizes.

On Sunday, some members hung around to go to dinner at an awesome BBQ place called Mark's Feed Store.

The farm is indoors and the room is large enough to seat 200 people, so no matter what the weather is we will have a good time. The farm also has a winery and wine tasting facility as well as cool things for the kids to do.

The estimated cost per person for the entire event should be between $30.00 and $35.00 for adults and $15.00 for children ages 4-11. Children under 3 are free.

If I remember correctly these were the same prices as 2006.

The hotel has reserved rooms for us and we are mailing the required deposit to Huber Farms within the next month.

Soon we will have the registration page up and running so people can register early.

Again Ford's only request is that we meet a 30 truck and 50 person minimum

We had no problem doing this in the years past, but why don't we try to blow the numbers away from previous years!!

I know myself and Todd Z have already booked our rooms at the hotel.

The hotel is: (please mention the Sport Trac meet in June to get the room rate we received)

The hotel will be $79.99 a night plus 13% tax, making it a total of $92.00 a night.

Jameson Inn Louisville Airport South

6515 Signature Dr.

Louisville KY


(Exit #128 Fern Valley Rd off I-65)

Like we said this is the first post of many, if you have any questions please feel free to post them here or contact myself (Paul H) or Todd Z via email.


In 2006 Ford took us to a minor league baseball stadium for dinner and a game. Feedback was that this was not that enjoyable.

In 2004, Ford took everyone to the Louisville Museum and had dinner there.

We are looking for suggestions for this years Friday night.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

