Louisville National meet Friday Night BBQ question ???

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Todd Z

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Sep 21, 2003
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Long Island, NY
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Ok, the place can seat about 35 people, we have 20 that want to go...

MY question is this....

Marks offers a buffet style dinner also...... I know this limits your choices but I figured I would post ti because they asked..

We would get 2 meets (pork, or beef, or chicken) 2 sides ( beans, green beans, potatoes, their famous apples Etc.) for $8.00 a person.

Add a side for an extra $1.00 and ADD drinks ( SODA) for $1.25 a person.

ONLY catch is is I book the buffet, they will charge us for the number that we book, SO if I book 30 and only 25 show up, we would have to pay for the meals that those did not show ??

SO ??

Should we just order off the menu or go with the buffet.


Todd Z
I tend to lean toward ordering from the menu...but, we would be suddenly showing up with 20 people and expecting them to serve us in a timely manner. Don't know if they can support that very well. How did they do it last time? I know several went in '06 but how many was it and can they support us as walkins?

We will be there either way, but like Chad said, it's a tough call the best way to go.
It seemed to go pretty well when we went in '06 (and in '04) and we ordered from the menu. I'm sure they would appreciate advance warning of such a large group, but since it is BBQ, most of the food started cooking much earlier in the day.

We should arrange to carpool (or is that Tracpool) since parking at the Bardstown location is limited.
We carpooled last year (Me, Trav, JK, and Larry I think). What fun when the car decided to turn with no blinker in front of me, locked up the brakes and made the FD look over, lol.
I think the menu option is the best too....


I made a reservation for 30 people any way, so no mater if we do menu or buffet they will serve us on time..


LOL, Funny thing is I did not have to pay for my self last time..... The great members of the site that were there all chipped in and bought me and Rachel our meals....

THANKS AGAIN !!! to those that were there !!

Todd Z


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