Maxine says it again

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Honestly DO you think the New people will be any better ???

I sure as heck don't..

Todd Z
Not enough new people would be elected to make any difference. These new people would stumble and bumble around for a year trying to learn the routine. Then they'll be familiarized with the current way things are done in DC. They'll get a taste of the money and the fame and become just like the people they were supposed to replace.

From what I've seen, many of the "anti-big government" candidates that are out there are so unfamiliar with way government works that they're making fools of themselves. Here, Ron Johnson, who's trying to unseat Senator Russ Feingold, has made so many comments and then withdrawn them that he looks like a buffoon. He's reversed his stance on so many issues that I've lost count.
Todd,,, I agree,,, but we can still hope...

Mark,, Even if they were. They go in with the best of intentions until the "old timers" get a hold of them and force them to bend to how the system is.

So,, it really doesn't matter very much who gets in in my opinion...
Once you make it to Washington, you owe it to all the big guys that helped you got there. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I agree that one election it self will make little change. However we as citizens can make a statement to the current and new politicians that will be heard loud and clear.

We are the only one who can make a change and that is through our vote.

Out with the bad in with the new and vote them out when they go bad!!!
Out with the bad in with the new

Some of the new people who are running scare the crap out of me this year. The ones with no political experience at all are so out to lunch. I've read about some of the stuff they've being saying and I don't know if I want them making decisions for me.
They may or may not have enough experience but if the career politicians are voted out, then maybe, it will shake up the rest of the group to do a better job in the future FOR US! It is kinda scairy though, after the last election, when the least experienced of the 4 running was elected to the POTUS! IMO
With such a small turnover at every election, nothing will really change....All the more reason for term limits on all public offices, especially at the US Senate and US Congressional level.

Now, rookie Senators and Congressmen have no power or ability to get anything done because the old incumbents and their political parties have all the power and are the ones pulling all the strings.

Voting someone out and a new person in does not really accomplish much. The American people should be able to vote on bills, especially bills that effect their wallet. We can vote on bond issues within our community be have no say in how money is spent in Washington.

Congress and the Senate should come up with bills and the American public should have the right to vote yes or no...not the President !

What you're describing Richard, is democracy. We do not have that, and I don't think that is what you really want. We can't even get people to vote once every four years as it is, anyway.

A balanced budget and term limits fix most everything. When the money has to be real and politicians are in office truly out of public service rather than self interest, things would be so much better.

Don't hold your breath, though.

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