Well white trash fits me just fine. Spent more $$ on my toys and cars. Have no desire to keep up with the jones'. Perfectly happy to own a 52yr old, 930sqft house in need of repair. Been known to tear down car parts on the dinning table. Used to park my Harley in the house.
My father was born in a 2 room log cabin, hills of arkansas. Very proud man, as Iam also.
Anybody tired of the stupidity of PC and what some consider PC. Iam!!!!
Proud White Trash out....More pride and common sense, not being a snoot and $$$$ look at me show off.
Maybe someone on this site will tattle tell, for calling myself white trash, HA!
The same as few have in the past cause I wasnt' PC. :banghead:
Steve,,good vid
caymen,, sticks and stones ,right...