Military Rules for dealing with Non-Military

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LOL.... Thats soo true.

I was on an Air Force base this morning, Great group of people !!!

Todd Z
amen,though I only put in 4 years in the airforce,I agree,we(you folks)deserve a lot more,for not only putting up with a known enemy(s),but also idiots in civies!!!:angry:
Pretty sad that we have become so intolerant of other beliefs and ideas that we would support physical violence against someone who doesn't share our narrow set of beliefs.

This country is based on freedoms... not intolerance.

Support for such intolerance reminds me of the Nazi movement in pre WW2 Germany.
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Geez Darin lighten up just a little. It's all in good fun. As many of my co workers that have seen this, none of us have decided we're going to go out on our lunch break and start beating people's ***** for the hell of it, or because they say something about us or whatever operations we are engaged in. But, I do agree, this country is based on freedoms and not intolerance. But there is freedom for intolerance. Anyone can hate civilians all they want. They just can't act on it. People protested the war outside our gates. I didn't like it, but they were peaceful, and I repect their right to express their views.

I don't hate civilians by the way... ;)
Larry Phillips/NX-01 beat me to it.

I agree that you need to lighten up, Darin. Sounds like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder, or don't like the Military or are sorry you didn't join. Depending on your age, it may not be too late.

In any event, your right to disagree openly what was posted is your right, thanks to the Military. My right to disagree with you also comes from the same source. Your ability to buy and, hopefully afford, an 07 Sport Trac also comes from the fact that you live in the strongest nation in the world, thanks to the Military. Certainly not from our civilian government.

David <><

Medically retired, U.S. Navy. 100% DAV.
Ham: You just made my point for me. Someone posts an off-color 'joke', and I step up and remind folks about intolerance. You come back saying I have a 'bit of a chip' on my shoulder.

Do I have anything against the military? No.

What do I have a problem with? Intolerance. Intolerance is rooted with ignorance. I have no respect for intolerant/ignorant people.

What would this country become if noone stepped forward instead of falling into the pack of lemmings?
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Darin, the last time this was posted in May, I chimed in with the following:

Though I do respect and admire our military and those who serve it, and often go out of my way to show my appreciation, and I understand the humor with which the original post was implied, do we really want to portray that the way our fine folks in uniform recommend one deal with conflict resolution is by "ass kicking?"

I more or less tried to say the same thing you did. My point then was that funny is funny, but when the joke tries to make light of bad behavior, or even worse, recommending bad behavior, is it really funny or appropriate? And worse, might it be just the fuel that people on both sides of the fence (the fence that divides those that support and those that are critical of the military) need to help/hurt their causes?

I have this image of this email floating around various servicemen and women's inboxes, being forward, being printed out, and being hung up for display. Sure, it's meant as a joke...but might it just give some that are a little trigger happy the fuel they need to reinforce their belief that some out there actually do need a good "ass kicking".

And, with all that said, I support the joke, it's distribution, and the people's right to do so. But that doesn't mean we can't discuss the ramifications and caution people about the joke.

Oh, and it is kinda funny too! ;)

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One thing that you DON'T have a right to in this country is the "right" to not be offended. If you don't like it, feel free to not read it. And feel free to comment on it, if you prefer. While I seriously doubt anyone reading this will think to themselves "hmmm, they really want me to resort to violence" I can see Darin's side... up to a point. When you start comparing this country to Nazi Germany, I think it's going too far. Nazi Germany would be imprisoning anyone who expresses an opinion contrary to the "official" state opinion. This joke is simply encouraging those who love this country, who have been silent far too long, to stand up for what they believe.
Geeez people... don't take everything so literally!! :angry:
There's no reason to take it down. As I said, I think it was kind of funny and there is no reason we can't have a spirited discussion about the joke. I wasn't offended, actually. And, as JayMcK said no one has the right to "not get offended", not by a joke, or not by someone who for whatever reason doesn't seem patriotic enough to a military member.

What do I have a problem with? Intolerance. Intolerance is rooted with ignorance. I have no respect for intolerant/ignorant people.

Not exactly.

I am ignorant when it comes to medical terminology, DNA sequencing and driving a Tractor/Trailer.

From Merriam-Webster's Dictionary:

Ignorance: The state of being Ignorant

Ignorant: adj 1) Lacking Knowledge, 2) resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence, 3) Unaware, Uninformed - synonyms: illiterate, uneducated, unlettered, untutored.

Nowhere do they equate ignorance with intolerance. It makes me wonder who in this group is ignorant, of common English words. That is something I am intolerant of.

But hey, it's Just A Joke, right? Besides, maybe it's time that military members stick up for what they've done and use their training on the lefty spitting-on-our-soldier types.