Darin, the last time this was posted in May, I chimed in with the following:
Though I do respect and admire our military and those who serve it, and often go out of my way to show my appreciation, and I understand the humor with which the original post was implied, do we really want to portray that the way our fine folks in uniform recommend one deal with conflict resolution is by "ass kicking?"
I more or less tried to say the same thing you did. My point then was that funny is funny, but when the joke tries to make light of bad behavior, or even worse, recommending bad behavior, is it really funny or appropriate? And worse, might it be just the fuel that people on both sides of the fence (the fence that divides those that support and those that are critical of the military) need to help/hurt their causes?
I have this image of this email floating around various servicemen and women's inboxes, being forward, being printed out, and being hung up for display. Sure, it's meant as a joke...but might it just give some that are a little trigger happy the fuel they need to reinforce their belief that some out there actually do need a good "ass kicking".
And, with all that said, I support the joke, it's distribution, and the people's right to do so. But that doesn't mean we can't discuss the ramifications and caution people about the joke.
Oh, and it is kinda funny too!