Mississippi school segregates class officers by race

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Mark K 2

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2002
Reaction score
Baldwin, WI
Apparently, Nettleton Middle School is having class elections. No biggy, except that somebody declared that individual offices must be held by kids of specific races. No black kids can be class president. I wonder whose head is going to roll over this mess.

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I did some research (keyword on SEARCH) and supposedly this is being done because the school was sued in the past for not having enough black students elected to such positions. In response to the lawsuit the school, in its infinite wisdom, divided up the slots and assigned some black, some white.

I don't have this on GREAT authority, just more interweb chatter.

I agree, this is the wrong way to go about increasing the percentage of black officers (likely was zero prior to this).

But I also will agree with the one writer in that Snopes thread TJR listed, where they say that despite it being clearly wrong, "I'm not sure what better way would work."
Sigh. You immediately suspect a person calling into a conservative talk show, and exhibiting extreme liberalism, to be a fake. Yet as soon as you hear something about the South still being invidious concerning blacks, you jump on it.

Well, there's a blow to credibility. Ethos Fail.
NBC reported that they've been doing this for a few years, each year alternating the races. I don't recall anyone complaining when a black class president was required.

BTW, this school also requires black and white prom queens and kings.
Affirmative action and quotos, if that is what this is, is one of the worst kinds of race-based discrimination there is, IMHO.

All such programs and efforts, essentially have the same thing in common in that they claim to "level the playing field" by first stating that there are those that need the field leveled, and in order to do so they have to raise a few up in consideration over the others.

We won't really be equal until all such programs are gone and the best person with all things considered (and skin color not being a consideration) gets the job, the position, etc.

Everyone likes to be a victim. Few like to "axe" themselves why they aren't viewed as equal, or why others get the good jobs, or the good grades. Sometimes the cold hard truth is that the person to blame for keeping you down is yourself. Like I said, few want to look at it that way.

I HATE affirmative action.

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