Affirmative action and quotos, if that is what this is, is one of the worst kinds of race-based discrimination there is, IMHO.
All such programs and efforts, essentially have the same thing in common in that they claim to "level the playing field" by first stating that there are those that need the field leveled, and in order to do so they have to raise a few up in consideration over the others.
We won't really be equal until all such programs are gone and the best person with all things considered (and skin color not being a consideration) gets the job, the position, etc.
Everyone likes to be a victim. Few like to "axe" themselves why they aren't viewed as equal, or why others get the good jobs, or the good grades. Sometimes the cold hard truth is that the person to blame for keeping you down is yourself. Like I said, few want to look at it that way.
I HATE affirmative action.