I agree that American companies have made so big mistakes...Nobody is immune to them. There are plenty of other big errors that are not on your list, and a few on ;your list I don't consider mistakes. ie: the Corvair for one. It was Ralph Nader who proclaimed the dangers of the swing axle on the Corvair, but never mentioned the VW Beetle, and a host of other rear engine imports that used identical designs, including the US Army's M151 Jeep ! All were safe if driven within their design parameters, just like most SUV's today, they are taking a bad rap because someone has another agenda and "Safety" works well with the general public.
My point is that we have the right to know where our products are being made and can then make our choice to buy them or not buy them. Too many American companies are using third-world counties to manufacture their products and then not monitoring the actual production.
As many times as toy manufacturers in China have been caught using lead paint, yet the American companies still do not put safeguards and procedure in place to insure that lead paint never enters the doors of these Chinese toy factories.
I think there is a big difference between a mistake or oversite than criminal negligence or definace of policies. Deliberately puting a trojan hourse virus on a harddrive is very different than designing a product that may have an unforseen flaw that results in a safety issue. The difference is in the deliberate an covert action vs an unforssen design flaw.
According to Mattel and Fisher-Price the Chinese manufacturers were aware that lead paint could not be used, however they continued to purchase leaded paint from sources without verifying that the paint was truely lead free. This is especially troubling after the first incident was discovered, an it was allowed to happen again and agian.
I'm sure Mattel and Fisher-Price layout the exact specification for each toy that the Chinese are making for them, but they claim that the Chinese manufacturers are changing the design and nobody is checking for that. The first time I can understand, but it just continues.
If these American manufaturers would stop using these Chinese companies who are ruining their repution, the Chinese government might be more interested in cleaning up their manufacturing industries before their economy goes down the tubes along with ours!