MORE greyhound deaths at florida track

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gary s

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
long island, NY
20 greyhounds were found dead at ebro track in fla. bernie our hound raced there as well.

according to the local news report the kennel owner is under arrest.

he was supposed to find foster homes for these hounds.

no room on this earth for this azz. :angry:
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Millions of dogs are killed in animal shelters every day. Neglect, in all forms, of animals in general is a disgrace.

It doesn't matter if it is a Greyhound, rabbit, or even a pet rat. Any animal neglected or abused is a sin.

"It doesn't matter if it is a Greyhound, rabbit, or even a pet rat. Any animal neglected or abused is a sin."


Thats a big +3 from me too! A little progress has been made regarding the laws governing animal abuse. This incarceration times and fines are still way below what they should be. Bob :angry: :banghead:
now at least 32 dead and possibly up to 40

How many dogs were put down at your local animal shelter today alone? With a city the size of New York, it should be in the hundreds.

That is a crime.

"How many dogs were put down at your local animal shelter today alone? With a city the size of New York, it should be in the hundreds.

That is a crime."

if it one or one hundred, it is still horrible :banghead:

not to biased, not as much as in the past, but greyhounds are a product not a life :angry:

All dogs are a product. As long as the legal system sees animals as "property", they will always be a product and not a life.

I own my dog. She is my property. I hate to refer to her as my property. I like to think of her as my family, but technically, she is owned by me.

I hate thinking of her that way.


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