my AC problem

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Jun 22, 2002
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
I couldn't get the dealer to look at it (I need to be there in the morning to get first come first serve), but I went out and got one of those guages and it measures right at the very bottom of the "filled" section. Kinda what I thought that it was just short of some refrigerant. I doubt there is a leak, I think it was just shorted from the factory. But I have a trip to take, so I'll just have to deal with it when I get back.

You have a 2002 Sport Trac. What makes you think that the factory did no fill it with refrigerant and it runs fine for 3+ years? You are in denial. If it was low on R134a when it left the factory, it would have never cooled properly and you would have noticed it immediately unless you have never used your AC, and since you live in OK City, I doubt that you have never used your AC until now.

I would be 99.9% sure that the system has a leak. It may be a minor leak, but never the less a leak. Ther real problem is to find where the leak is, then decide how much it will cost to fix it. If the leak is in the Evaporator core (in the HVAC box under the dash) I would try adding some R136 that contains compressor oil and a leak-stop agent. That may get you by until you decide to sell it. If it's a hose leaking, that's fairly cheap to fix. Leaking compressor seals usually means a rebuilt unit which is a little cheaper than a new one.

Good luck,

Having many cars in my almost middle aged life and seemingly everyone of them having an a/c problem I have this experience to add. Every a/c mechanic I have ever delt with will recommend you do not purchase aftermarket or rebuilt a/c compressors when a factory original is available. The cost will be a little more but always go with the oem compressor unit. I assume it has to do with the high pressure and heavy use an a/c compressor has to go thru that makes the rebuilt models unreliable. I have had mechanics refuse to install a rebuilt unit the reason given is that "it will fail" and then it looks bad on the mechanic. One more item since we are discussing factory, rebuilt or aftermarket. The water pump, once again spend a little extra and get the oem part. I have had aftermarket pumps not balanced and even had one pump the shaft flew out along with my fan and tore my radiator to shreds.
His profile list that he has a 2002.

If he bought a new one, he needs to update his profile...

If it is a 2002, then I am with Rich, if it is a 2005, then he needs a good dealer...
Actually, in S.H.'s defense, when I bought mine and it was clicking, I thought "This is normal, it's happening from the factory". Cooling was "okay".

Now it's downright frigid.
Sorry, but his profile shows a 2002 Sport Trac.

If he does have a new 2005 it still does not mean it left the factory low on refrigerant. I buought a new Honda that had numerous AC problems for the first few months after I bought it. First they tighten up the Schroeder valve they claimed was leaking. Then they replaced the compressor. Finally, it turns out they had to replace the Schroeder valve that they originally just tightened.

So I still say his AC problim is caused by a leak. :p

Ok... I could have stopped all this sooner, but I was out of town for a few days. S.H. is she not he. it is a new 05, not my old 02, and yes, i need to update the profile. I will get right on that this week. (I didn't know it was that important to my question, but I realize I didn't specify a new 05 in my question) My point was, the new 05 AC does not work as well as the old 02 one did after 3 years of using it. A guage shows it go be right at the very bottom of the "filled" section of the guage. as in barely filled. I will keep an eye on it and see what happens. Thank you for all your comments.

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