Need advice on parking brake job.

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Oct 26, 2007
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North Reading, MA
04 ST 4WD XLT - I plan on doing brake job this weekend. I already ordered all the parts necessary. Brand new pads front and rears. Also installing new rotors. I do not have any problems doing the disc brakes at all. I have done disc many times. So I took off one of the rear rotors to see if the rears were phelonic caliper and they are, so I know I will need the pads with the smaller clip on it.

I also noticed that the E-brake/parking brake shoes were toast, so I decided to get new shoes for them as well. I have never replaced the shoes on them before and would like some help if possible. I noticed that it's very rusty inside and I'm asking how to tackly that? Do I need to replace anything else? Spray it with WD40?? Any help is always appreciated.

I do not see any projects on the rear parking brakes. If one is available can you send me the link. Thanks
im in the same spot. I have an 05 and the previous owner must have taken a road trip with the parking brake on. it hardly holds on even the small grades, and I have tried adjusting it before with no luck.

just get a few cans of brake cleaner and blast away. The parking brake kit comes with new retainers and springs, just be sure to use those. also, there is a spring on the outside of the backing plate, and my pads are so worn that the spring compresses fully and i think that is why my brakes are not grabbing good enough.
After I install the new shoes for the E-brake is there any adjustments I need to do or is it self adjusting? If there is a adjusting screw where is it?? Besides from having to take the tire and rotor off do I need to remove anything else before I start removing the old E-brake shoes. Seems like a tight spot getting the springs off.

it is not self adjusting, but there is the normal drum brake adjuster wheel that you can access through a plugged opening on the backing plate. I had to loosen mine a few turns to get the rotors off last time, when i discovered that the ebrake was worn. Once you install the new ebrake shoes you will need to manually adjust the shoes so that they dont rub when disengaged, but can get full clamping force when the pedal is set, and so that there is not too much play that the pedal goes to the floor..

once the rotors are off, there is plenty of room to work on the ebrake shoes. I am planning on making a writeup here one day soon when I have time to do my full brake job, maybe this weekend...
Never use WD-40 on brake parts. If you want to clean the brakes use a spray can of Brake Cleaner which is specially made for brakes.

You can clean the metal parts separately or replace them if you choose. You can use brake cleaner and a wire brush to clean up the backing plates, etc. If you want, you can repaint the backing plates or parts, but that is kind of a waste of time...It's going to rust again pretty quick. As long as you use your parking brake occasionally, it will cause no harm.

Upon reassembly, you can use a high temperature brake grease sparingly to the brake shoe contact points on the backing plates and pivot points, but that's all that is needed. Any more and you risk contaminating the brake linings and making the shoes worthless.
