Need help with parking brakes

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Donald Moore

Jan 28, 2007
Reaction score
Lexington, KY
Ever since I replaced my rear rotors my parking brake has not worked at all. I bought the rotors at advance auto parts and I suspect that the parking brake drum diameter is not right (too large). Does anyone have a set of Ford rotors that they can measure the drum diameter so I can check my drum size.

Any help (or suggestions) would be appreciated.
Sent you some service manual info but it did not list the parking brake surface specs.

What brand/part number did they sell you?
Thanks for the info. I installed Wearever Brake Rotors - Rear YH145422. The parking brake worked prior to changing the rotors but was weak. I have changed the shoes and the 3 main cables but still no luck. It is much worse now than before.
I believe there are 2 different rear rotors. I remember something about them when I did the rear disk conversion on my st. I assume you did adjust them correct?
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The explorer and sport Trac rotors are SOOO close but not iinterchangeable...

BUT EVERY time i replace rear rotors on any ST I always have to adjust the parking brake... Its SO simple to do..

Todd Z
Yes, I adjusted them and adjusted them and adjusted them. The pedal goes to the floor and they just barely apply. I think I must have the wrong rotors. I don't want to buy another set of rotors unless I am sure. I am considereing getting the rotors at the dealer to be sure they are right this time but that will be $$$. Maybe the Ford dealer parts dept would let me measure the drum diameter on a set before I buy them. I need to remove the Advance Auto rotors and measure their diameter before I do that though.

I was hoping someone had an old set laying around that they could measure for me.

You got the right Part........ Were your parking pads worn down ???

Also I HATE wearever parts.... I JUST installed the Wagner's, and mine is perfect...

Check to make sure you did not snap a cable or one came off...

Todd Z
Assuming you have the rotors, and he parking brake shoes have plenty of meat on them, then the Parking brake cable may be stretched and needs to be adjusted? That's done at the "Y" splitter under the transmissin tailshaft.



If you dont find anything wrong with the cable or its components.

My ford manual doesnt give the ID of the park brake drum. What it does say, is.

To set your initual shoe OD adjustment, to .5mm or .020" les than drum ID.

You might try that. If that wont. You might have the wrong rotor.

Or too much wear on the shoes.
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Yep, looks like that part number does fit your Trac. FYI, O'Reillys carries Motorcraft rotors also and would probably allow you to measure them.