New 5 dollar bill

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And yet for the LIFE of me,,,

I cannot believe that they have not done something for blind people to be able to tell what money they have...

I guess things like that are too easy...
It bothers me only because I saw a guy try to short change a blind guy...

And yes, like anything the marks would be altered and what not, but at least some sort of effort on their behalf would be nice. As it is, they carry their bills in different ways or pockets or various rubber bands so they know what they are giving out...

What they get back is where the risk is. From what I understand they carry enough variations so they can pay to the nearest 5 dollars, thus any bills they get back they can safely assume it is singles.
Gee,,, what concept,,,

Now that would take WAY too much technology to create wouldn't it????

Like I said, some things are too easy...
The issue is the vending machine operators are unwilling to change the billreader on all the machines.

They claim it costs too much money and they say it is too hard to do.

It happens in other countries.

Coastie, Canadian bills have special markings for blind people, I don't see why the US couldn't implement something like this. . .
The US could do anything they want with money. Big business tells them they do not want them to.

Wahhh, would cost us too much to design new bill readers. Our CEO needs his $20 million bonus.

Vending machines don't even accept the dollar coins or the penny.

With the outrageous (circa 1.50) price of soda and whatnot, they should accept any form of payment. Though 1.50 for a 16.9 ounce bottle of BS doesn't fly with me so I have abandoned the stuff.

I thought the "US and A" never switched to metric because of big businesses, one of which was coca-cola, protesting the cost of the switch. As 20 ounce and 32 ounce things become harder to find, and they are replaced by coke 1 litre and 2 litre bottles, it seems as though coke has gone against its protests in the past, and can do so now with the money.

**I don't remember Canada having different sized money. Though anyone ripping off a blind person sucks at life. It's a sissy crime like vandalism--takes a big man to damage something that doesn't know that it is coming, and can't fight back.

If you read the link Olaf gave, it is not different size money, it is something else.

Almost every machine I use, those at work, charge $1.10 for a 20 oz. bottle of Coke and you can use the dollar coin.

IMO, the feds should stop the production of the dollar bill and only mint the dollar coin.

My canada comment didn't pertain to the link.

1.10 for a 20 oz bottle of coke? You must still live in America!

In some vending machines here, bottled water costs _more_ than soda, and it is wildly purchased, and it's all in metric. 1.25 is a bargain at the vending machines here.

Home Depot at 1.19 has the cheapest individual bottles around. That's just sad.

The dollar coin could be kinda cool, though I don't really care that it saves the govt money when they waste so much, as I'm tired of getting other people's tattered 1 dollar bills. George gets abused too much in paper form. And my canadian coins make cool guitar picks, they don't break up or get gouged like plastic, and they work so much better than the quarter.

(BTW, why is george worth 25x lincoln in coin, but lincoln worth 5x more than george in paper?)
this thread reminded me of the Ray charles movie where he wanted to be paid in all one dollar bills so as not to be ripped off! Pretty cool. jamie Fox was fantastic in that movie.
Caymen, I too hate it when we don't advance and come up with better, more cost effective ways of doing things.

Say for instance toll booths, a common use for coins and tokens; now with the advent of Ez-Pass and similar technology toll booths and the need for change or a toll taker is greatly reduced. But, like you said, there are those that would stall that advancement.

The toll-takers union went on strike when PA rolled out EzPass and part of the settlement was to keep many toll workers on the payroll, and working, even though they were not really needed.

I hate it when those with a special interest, whether it be profit, or whatever, hold our country back from advancing.

The toll-takers union went on strike when PA rolled out EzPass and part of the settlement was to keep many toll workers on the payroll, and working, even though they were not really needed.

I am happy they did that. Unfortunatly, it did not hurt the pocket of a CEO.


I for one won't use an easy pass. Not so that Adam Sandler can keep his "one night a week job as a bridge toll collector" from Big Daddy, but because I can't condone the Big Brother aspects of it.

I don't save much money, they fine me for going more than 30 through the toll booth, even though the easy pass system is designed so that you don't stop, they take my picture, and mail it to me if the easy pass fails, and they want vehicle registration now so you can't really transfer your ez pass to another car without the powers that be complaining.

**Did anyone see national treasure 2, where they run the light in britain and the red light camera has enough definition that glyphs on centuries-old wood could be read? The pictures that I've seen suck. A disposable has better quality. If the government is going to force me to pay for pictures of myself, then they had better have excellent quality.

EZ Pass, the phasing out of social security cards and making the system almost 100% online,....some would call that progress, but it's progress that attaches strings to my liberty, and I can't have that.

To pick one issue for progress (note:not a progressive issue!) that is on the table, I'd have to take a deep breath and go for the "fair tax", and pray that Washington doesn't find a way to turn it into VAT^2. (Caymen, they'll _find_ a way to do it.)

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