New idea? for Sport Trac & F150

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Darrel Chaney01

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2003
Reaction score
Henderson, KY
There are a lot of truck owners out there that love their trucks, but the gas is killing them/ us. How about a Hybrid ST & F 150. Maybe Electric most of the time, but gas when you are on the highway, need 4-wheel drive or need the power. Now maybe this is not possible in a pickup truck, I don't know. If it were possible, I think Ford sell these pickups to more people than they are now. Ford don't let Toyota or one if the others put one out first. You put the Sport Trac out first and now othersare copying it. Just an idea guys. I would love to have an 4 wheel drive ST that got 30, 40 or even more miles per galon.
Since Ford offers a Hybrid in the ESCAPE SUV, I think this would be possible in the ST and F-150.

Another idea, to be quick on the market with a hybrid pickup, how about a Sport Trac design based on the Escape ? ESCAPE TRAC ???

A four passenger vehicle with a small pickup bed might even work for me even though it would obviously have less cargo area than my SPORT TRAC. 30 + mpg would be tempting !


Dave S, Thanks for the informative link and the answer for Darrel.

Now if only Ford could have been first..............They missed one first when they abandoned the V-6 Powerstroke that was originally slated for the re-designed 2004 F-150 Pickup.

Sure thing Bill...

Just wondering...Could one use one of these GMC's on EMT alone (say USPS, UPS, FedEx, Schwans...) and drive TOTALY gas free during neighborhood deliveries?

Intriguing huh?
Dave, Intriguing to say the least.

I don't know much about this new technology. Spent 31 years in car business before going back to farm equipment in 2004 and hybrids have pretty much come along after that.

My guess, and guess is all it is, start and stop driving like deliverys would use up the battery quicker just as same operation takes more fuel on conventinal vehicle ? But still should be quite a savings ?

We sure need something with gas approaching $4.

I think we all need to do some serious research into the Hybrid Vehicle issue before we start asking Ford or anyone else to make them for us. Of primary concern is the current Hybrid using Ethanol. Ethanol according to the research I have done is a total federal government funded hoax. The cost to operate a vehicle or any internal combustion engine on Ethanol is so expensive that in order for the government to get us to accept it they have to use our tax dollars to pay for its production. Then once is produced, the amount of energy produced by a gallon of the "Hybrid" fuel at it's reduced price per gallon will cost you more to go 1 mile that current fossil fuels. Do your home work, If I'm wrong you can call me a liar of deceived.

By the way, what ever happened to "of the people, by the people and for the people"?

For the majority of people, a hybrid vehicle makes no sense and wastes more money than it is worth.

Before we get suckered into thinking a hybrid is the way to do, a little math will show you it usually isn't.

Hybrid vehicles work best in city driving. If you drive alot of highway miles, a hybrid is not for you.

The initial investment to buy a hybrid is more. Usually, for the average driver, it will take 100,000 miles of driving to break even with the initial cost. At that 100,000 miles, a battery swap is in order requiring you to drive about 70,000 or so miles to break even again.

By 170,000 miles, most vehicles are off the road.

Few people actually benifit from driving a hybrid.

If you buy a hybrid vehicle for the "I am doing the environment good" feeling, think again. Studies have shown driving a Prius is more envirnmently irresponsible that driving a Hummer. Why? The fuel used to transport the Prius to the USA, the fuel used for the batteries and power system, the damage produced to the atmosphere by making those items, and finally the elimination of those batteries.

In the end, do what makes you the happiest. if spending more money to save less money makes you feel better about yourself, go for it. Just don't try to defend yourself that you are doing it for the good of the envrionment or to save money.

Usually, you are not saving money.

Amen to that.

In addition to your already condemning list, might I add that the increased demand for the metals to make the batteries for the hybrids is causing extensive damage to the environment through more "aggressive" mining.

I personally don't believe in driving in the city--it really sucks, especially when you only own Big Vehicles, but I see at least 10 different hybrid cars a day cruising the highways....and in cities, I see lots of trucks and escalades, and a dirth of these hybrids.

Some people just don't get it...