New Tars

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Willie Anglin

Active Member
Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Burnsville, NC
Well actually new tires for flatlanders and others who speak correctly. Anyway me and the wife went on a 2 day runaround in the ST and I nearly killed us, twice. We were riding around and it started raining. I was not going fast or anything just taking a curve at a less than normal speed and the front end slid nearly all the way across the road. I thought I had hit a slick spot and then a little later the back end came around into the other lane. Thank God both times we were not meeting anyone. The wife drives the ST all the time (it is her's and she loves it) so I had not had any seat time in it when it was raining. She said she had had some problems but thought it was her and not the vehicle. It had Toyo's on it and they were about 2/3s gone but still good tread but I was not taking any chances with my honey of over 30 years so we got the ST new shoes. 265/70/16s, Cooper CTS all season highway tires. I drove the ST about 150 miles yesterday and it was like a new vehicle. We got the all season highway because she drives mainly on road but she also works at a country club that is on top of a mountain and it gets pretty slick sometimes. She now loves her ST more than ever as the tires have no road noise and ride like a dream. The bigger tires look great with the exception she let them put them on with the RWL to the outside. I love black walls and am going to have her change them around.
Tires these days aren't cheap but they're a whole lot cheaper than hospital or funeral bills! They're the only thing between you and disaster!

p.s. You'd better leave her white letters alone. Them mountain women will knock a knot on yer noggin!:bwahaha:
That is whay me take the oem wranglers off. Everytime I went into a wet curve. Or made a wet left turn at 10mph. The front end slid off the road.
I put a set of those on the wife's Santa Fe back at Christmas. The reduced road noise was very noticeable and the ride was much better. Good choice. ps: I have the RWL out on her car and she never said nothin!
Well drove the ST in the rain for the first time with the new tars. It was incredible how good they stuck. One issue with the old Toyos was when pulling out and turning sharply are the same tiime it would spin tires like crazy, to the point of not moving except sideways. Now it just hooks and goes. Feel much better now about her driving in the rain. The added traction overcomes the fact that I really had not budgeted for new tires and the CTS series are not cheap.