Nice video

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Like I said...nice video...The NRA and Ollie North are just the messengers.

How about Obama illegally offering Sestak a job to quit his run for the Senate....

Sounds like a Blaggo move....
Ollie North is no hero. In my book, he's a traitor. The **** he pulled in Iran-Contra was despicable, to say the least. It's impossible for me to listen to anything he has to say regardless of the message.
Never said you were un or anti. On that note. I wonder about some of the quirks. Which is your right.

Despite what we think went on with ollie and others. Do you honestly think the freedom of info act reveals all. I know there will always be more to the story. The unwritten, many times will change public opinion. But there is a need to know. Starts with a TS clearance and that ends with a need to know. I had a TS clearance for 3 yrs in the Army. I know some things about SE Asia, that would change somefolks view. My x-b-inlaw had one for 20yrs AF inteligence. He trusted me with some, Ill never tell info.

My own perspective is. I try not to pass any judgment on any military action or issue. Sometimes individuals are the fall guy, for what we dont know.

peace brother

Let's see Iran-Contra, CIA dealing in weapons and diverting the profits to support freedom in Central America. We sold Iran old junk weapons to help the Nicaraguan freedom fighters.

Col. Ollie North was the point man, taking orders from that guy that died a few years back.

Sounds like a government program that worked.

Traitor? I think not!

working around Congress on a covert op, that didn't harm any Americans.

Totally different from the 32 CZARs working around Congress, affecting many Americans.

Offering a top level job to end your Senate bid against a dirtbag like Arlen Spector?

Give me a break, I hope the Conservatives take over the House and Senate in November

so I can see another Democrat get Impeached!:bwahaha:
Very touching video, and true. It's something everyone should see. About Ollie North, anyone that thinks he was the head of the Iran-Contra operation has a lot of learning to do yet. He had higher ups telling him what to do. I watched all of the Iran-Contra hearings and anyone else that did would know what I am talking about. After the hearings were over with, most Americans though of him as a hero.