Noise under hood update (#3) '07 V8 LTD 4x4

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Collin Lyon

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Here is the latest on the dealer fixing my Trac (day #9):

The dealer narrowed the problem to the bearings in the transfer case. Diagnosed last Thursday (07/19). On 07/19, they said they were waiting on the parts so they can fix it, and I can have my Trac back.

No word back from them -- now it's Monday (07/23). Called then, and they said it should be done by Tues or Wed (07/24 or 07/25). At this point, I'm getting a little pissed with the progress. I called my sales person who gave me the GM's name/number. Called GM on 07/24. Straight out asked the GM + service writer if the parts arrived so it can be fixed by 07/25, and they said YES.

Called 07/25 around 2pm for progress. Service writer said "they need to order the part(s) and it would be 2-4 more days." I LOST IT . . . These guys completely LIED to me about this. They said it was a "mis-communication". Total BS.

I told them I don't give a **** about your problem -- take a transfer case off a Trac or Explorer on your lot and put it on mine. If there is a problem, make up a story -- you guys are good at making up stories. Of course, this guy had zero authority. The GM is at lunch. Screw it, I drove down there to get to the bottom of this.

GM is still out to lunch, so I was screaming obscenities to the service writer + the service manager in front of other customers. The service manager said to the writer, "did you tell him about the other issue?" I said "what the (bleep) now"? While they had my Trac on the lift, they were pulling another truck into the next stall, and they hit my right-rear-corner bumper!! I have the dark stone color, now it has streaks of white from the other truck that hit me. While in their garage looking at this, I tore into the mgr, and all who could hear me calling them "incompetent monkeys" among other things which I shouldn't write on this site. The service manager said that a new bumper is on order (2 days) and will be installed ASAP. He also said the guy who was driving the other truck was immediately sent off the floor for some disiplinary action. Their policy says this guy has to be drug-tested. Why did he need to tell me that -- it makes no difference -- they are at fault!

When I got back to the waiting area, the GM finally got back from lunch. All three of these guys are apologizing profusely, admiting there is no excuse for their "incompetance". First statement from them I can agree with.

The GM said the dealer & Ford will "compensate" me for my troubles. I have a list in mind, which they WILL honor. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears . . .

Well, barring any further "incidents", I should get my Trac back by appx next Tues (07/31). I have NEVER experienced such a collection of boobs in my life (insert favorite "boob" joke here -- too tempting, but I won't go there). I'm not sure if I should state the dealer -- I'll just say it is located in the "extreme south SF Bay Area."

I'm afraid to do any more updates, as it may be turning into back luck everytime I do it.

But I will. Stay tuned . . .

Sorry to hear about the bad luck and the incompetent dealership service people that you are having to deal with. Why would you not post the dealerships name? If I were a consumer in that area I would definitely want to know which delaership it is so I could stay far far away. They were not honest and upfront with you about what happened to our vehicle and that's BS. I would be pissed too! I would also be making some calls farther up the chain if they don't compensate you appropriately for this fiasco.
Oh man, what a pain! I would be ticked about the mechanical issues, and I would be PISSED about the bumper! They should have called you immediately after the bumper accident and let you know what happened. Good lord, I hope this all works out for you SOON!
Hi Lil Red -- the calls up the chain are in the works. As for naming, I think right now I'll wait and revisit this when I get my Trac back. I think those in the South Bay will probably figure it out though. This isn't over with yet . . .

Bootsy -- they did know about the bumper that morning. If I remember right, when the service mgr said to the writer, "does he know about the other issue?", the service writer said to me, "the GM did tell you?". The GM told me a little later that he didn't know until he got back from lunch. This tells me a lot of BS going on, and unless I showed up, they were probably going to do a "cover-up" regarding the bumper. Zero trust in these guys. One of the reasons why I am holding off "naming" until I get this completely resolved.
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Yeah sounds like they were trying a "cover up" on your bumper for sure. I bet they thought if you didn't know, you wouldn't mind....but to me that is unacceptable!!! Good luck with everything!!!
As I see it, The transfer case was finished on time. They have been dragging their feet and lying so the new bumper could be installed without you knowing it. You upset the apple cart by showing up and catching them in their little plot.

Take them for all you can. Good luck with it and I hope there is another dealer near-by that you can take your business to.
Gene -- I never thought of that. I didn't even think to look under the Trac to see if the transfer case was out or not. Would explain why they first said the part(s) were in, then not. Hmmmm.

But there was a white truck next to mine at an "angle" -- not quite on the rack next to mine. Who knows, maybe they couldn't move that truck, too (for days). Thank you very much for your input on this "investigation".

Which brings up another point -- those guys said the transfer case for the '07 explorer & the trac are "not quite the same" which sounded very weak. Either it is, or it is not (in my opinion). So, with that said, can anyone confirm, or direct me somewhere, if the transfer cases are or are not the same??

I really want to NAIL these guys . . .
Take an 06-07 4 door explorer, Chop the frame, Weld in a 17 inch longer piece, Drop a bed on the back and an F150 tailgate.

You now made a sport trac...

Todd Z
Sorry about your plight. What a mess. They were definately going to cover the "bumper incident" and hope you didn't notice. I wonder how many other people they have done that to. At least they were going to "try" and cover it up. A friend of mine bought a Trailblazer right when they came out. 200 miles later the engine blew up. He took it to the local GMC dealer and they replaced the engine. Unfortunately, when they took the hood off, they just leaned it against the wall and it ended up getting knocked over, scratching the top of it. They just put it back on and tried to tell him that it was like that when he brought it in. Little did they know that his brother in law worked there as a mechanic and saw what happened. (he didn't know it was my friends SUV) He got it repainted and his brother in law quit a few months after that and opened his own shop.;)
Thanks for the heads-up, Todd. I was surfing trying to find a website that shows parts (bearings &/or transfer cases) for both the '07 Explorers & SportTracs. Does anyone have such a site?
Lyonpride, they should give you a new trac for all that trouble.

How many miles do you have on yours? If you have a lot of miles, you probably should pay an offset for the miles driven to get a new trac.

I wouldn't want a trac that had monkeys like them in the transfer case and doing body work. Who knows what else they screwed up and are trying to hide? You sure don't want to have to go back to them if the repaired transfer case blows apart, or if the paint on the new bumper fades, etc.

I would push hard for a new trac.
In Georgia, insurance companies pay you a devaluation amount after any accident and/or repairs are made.

Not sure of the formula, but it has something to do with the age of the vehicle, cost of repairs, etc. Might want to check into that since they have now (technically) done body work on your truck and it's not original.
You should have waited until they were done before pissing them off.

No telling what they will do to your truck now.

Motor siezes in 10,000 miles due to an oil line pinched or brakes fail in a month or two.

Be careful.
I don't believe I've pissed them off -- they've pissed me off. However, I hear you. I am saving my "nukes" until after I get my Trac back.

If they do anything to my Trac (which I believe they won't), I would hope warranty will still cover it.

I'm starting a new thread (update #4) -- I just got back from the dealer just now.
That's kind of a creepy thing to say, but I suppose if you thought of it then some other crooked mechanic has as well. Geesh.:blink: