Noisy Alternator or PS Pump

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Active Member
Jun 11, 2001
Reaction score
Tonto Forest Estates, AZ
I'm getting that whine that indicates a noisy alternator or power steering pump at 65K miles. Have a smell when hot that smells like insulation or ???

Anyone with a Gen2 V8 have this?
I'm leaning PS pump. Mechanic's stethoscope (they're inexpensive) will help isolate. Changing steering system fluid may help. Most fast lube shops offer PS flushes, or you can do yourself - not talking about just what's in the resevoir though.
Yeah, I was leaning towards the PS pump but the "Smell" is leading me to the alternator. I have a stethoscope, just haven't been able to locate it!!!!
LOL thats my supercharger !!!!! LOL..

No seriously, i hhve the SAME noise on my 2010 adren..... Goes away when warmed up......

Todd Z
Another possibility is your serpentine belt; if an idler pulley bearing were bad that could cause the belt to slip, creating the smell. Worth a look - maybe even removing the belt to check out the components.
Have a smell when hot that smells like insulation or ???

That maybe the altenator then. My experiance an altenator is a whining noise.

A PS pump is usually a growling type of whine. The pitch changes with steering action.

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