NY state, you can do better then this....

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gary s

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
long island, NY
ny state has just changed the state license plate. it is supposed to be a retro plate that was in use in the 70's.

imo, it is horrible.

current regular plate:

[Broken External Image]:

new regular plate:

[Broken External Image]:
Probably would look ok on a car from the 70's. Look at all the money they saved by not having to design a new plate. Maybe the whole state is going backwards.
We just got a new Endangered Resources plate... the badger was just added.

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The problem is that NYS is only doing this to drum up more revenue. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with the current plates or available plate numbers (which is usually the reason the plates were changed in the past).
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NYC also voted first for most expensive city to travel to. (Yahoo Travel)

And I thought Honolulu was bad. (Second place) :cry:
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...and Toronto and Vancouver are supposedly the most expensive places in Canada, yet staying there in hotels is 1/3rd or less than NYC. At least some things stay the same with the falling dollar.

MD has a few plate types, though I really hate the plates that look like the standard plate, only they have some superfluous group text on them, in addition to the tag #. "100 club" would be an example or "Fraternal Order of Police" or "President of X non profit group", "Amateur Radio Operator", etc.

When so many groups get the option to change the tag text, everyone should. Why am I stuck with "www.maryland.gov"? Taxpayers pay for these altered plates.

The only 2 alternate plate types one can buy here in MD are the Farmland Heritage and the Save the Bay plates.

On that, in your states, do "Historic" & "Transporter"/"Dealer" plates look blase, like the normal plate just with the tag text changed? I feel like that is a rip off here.
Speak of the Devil...I just saw a Mercury Grand Marquis on the local expressways, fitted with this plate, driving like a moron.

That is to say that he used his turn signals, but was always switching lanes, and ultimately, @ a light with 3 lanes at an exit ramp of the expressway, he was in the far right and decided he needed to be in the far left, and ended up essentially sprawled across all 3 lanes....with his blinker on.

It's true--New Yorkers can't drive. Maybe it was the tight green turtleneck cutting off blood to the brain? :grin:

Wish I could have taken a picture, but I knew I couldn't get a good shot, and that whole business about cellphones and using them, even @ a red light :(
MN has 4 specialty plates that are new for us, we also have the reg one, 1-2 armed forces plates that people can choose to get (w/ a donation every year for the specialty plates) there also of course are the "Whiskey Plates" if you have enough DWI's you can get them on your car!!
Booze plates? Now we're talking :D

I'm more in the line of a Rum/Gin plate though...

Our Armed Services plates just say "Armed Services" @ the bottom, other than that, they're the same as normal plates, which feels cheap to me. (I don't mind these as the Military isn't some presumptuous club taking my tax dollars for their vanities)


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