O.T.: Massive Ice Shelf Breaks off in Arctic

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December in PA and it's in the 50's. The gas bill for my house is double what it was three years ago and my church can't pay its bills because it costs so much to heat the old stone building. If there really is global warming, and I doubt it, I'm all in favor.
I'm sure that glaciers never had ice break off before now... it HAS to be global warming :)

The big indicator for me is TV. Growing up, I can remember watching the news and seeing places like Buffalo and Chicago completely walloped by snow..... now you rarely see that. Here in the last few weeks there has been the issues with Denver, but we don't see it like I remember anymore.

I'm thankful were in the 50's and 60's here in VA, simply for the fact the gas is so expensive to heat, but I do wonder what the impact on the planet may be if we really are having global warming. (not that I can change it).

Global warming top stock tips:

Go long on refrigeration equipment manfuacturers and service companies. Sell short on sun lamp and tanning bed makers.

You heard it here first.

Wow.... Too bad that global warming, even if true, couldn't be a natural occurrence. I mean, we never would have gotten out of that last ice age without all those factories spewing smoke and CFC's...
I think the people in Denver would prefer the use of the new term: "Climate Change".

It's kind of hard to tell someone getting the one of the worst Winters in recent memory that it's due to "Global Warming".
