Obama Tears Up While Addressing Campaign Staff - double standard

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user 64972

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Dec 23, 2006
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Obama Tears Up While Addressing Campaign Staff

Just curious why this is not played up like they did with Boehner when he teared up when he got the speaker job! Maybe Barry just found out how "FLEXIBLE" Putin expects him to be...LOL!

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I've heard at least more about this occurrence in the first couple days after it happened than I did about Boehner's in the first couple days after it happened. It's probably too ealry to tell what the long-term press will be--but so far, there doesn't appear to be any double standard.
Wow, that looked more like the infamous Bill Clinton "cry on demand" teary-eyed speech than anything genuine. Like his old speech where he speaks in a cheesy stereotypical black dialect this crying is just a pathetic ploy.

I'm still seeing the double standard as Boehner was mocked from the git-go for his crying while Obama has been praised for it. Shocking too as Boehner is all but on Team Obama.

Maybe Barry just found out how "FLEXIBLE" Putin expects him to be...LOL!

LOL, though if the rumor mill is to be believed Barry is quite familiar with that sort of thing already.
I can see Boehner tearing up when he became SOTH. No problem with that. But, he started sniffling and stuff when talking about his dad's bar. That one, I didn't understand.
I'm not sure that President Obama can truly feel emotion. Nothing I've seen of him so far suggests otherwise. I haven't even seen the skill in pouring on the fake emotion from him that Clinton has.

Regrettably Boehner wasn't tearing up when he was pulling a Cristie and engaging in perfidy against the conservative republican base during that interview where he stated that he wasn't going to truly fight ObamaCare, that it was now "the law of the land".

I'd still find the man reprehensible for turning on those who elected him but my antipathy towards the man would be lessened if he even feigned feeling bad about his betrayal, or even that he considered his perfidious actions to be a betrayal.

Well, at least we have the Boehner emoticon here: :cry:

I teared up too, on Tuesday night when they announce that Obama was re-elected.:cry:


During the election coverage late at night here on the east coast the History channel was airing the 1993 Clint Eastwood movie "In the Line of Fire". In the movie, Clint plays a secret service agent protecting the President. I turned from the depressing election coverage to the movie just in time for Clint's apropos line of "I don't get to know the people I'm protecting, I might find out they're not worth taking a bullet for".

I'm still displeased with Cristie. I thought it'd subside after the election but it hasn't yet. Why they let a faux-republican like him into the R&R campaign to be a Fifth Column is a mystery to me. Thankfully his state doesn't touch mine, the Biden State keeps us apart. :throwup:
I teared up when I learned that the very best candidates that the parties could run for president were Obama/Biden and Romney/Ryan. I find that to be quite sickening.


Some say that Sandy and in particular Christie put Obama over the top. I don't agree. NJ was always going to go blue, and Christie's praise of Obama unlikely swung any other states. Sandy's devastation hit blue states, and anyone truly impressed by what Obama did in response to the hurricane was probably already a supporter and unlikely a "fence sitter" and very unlikely a Romney support.

I dislike Christie for other reasons...mainly due to the fact that I think he is a loud-mouthed bully.
Watching Karl Rove self-destruct this week is entertaining. After throwing a tantrum on live TV on Fox News Tuesday because the guys calling the election were doing their jobs, now he says the Republican voters were "supressed." OK, Karl. Whatever you say. I just hope the Koch Brothers don't ask for their money back. :smack:
I don't like that Obama was reelected, but nobody cheated or stuffed the ballot box, and he won both the Popular Votes and the Electoral Votes.

As for Sandy, Obama did not have to do anything except show up to view the devastation. All of the stupid mistakes made by FEMA and other disaster recovery agencies were corrected after Katrina. They have had other disasters in the past 7 years to insure they got it right, and Obama did not have to do anything other than make sure the agencies were prepared.

As for Gov. Christie kissing up to Obama, What was he supposed to do> Idon't think it had any influence on the election but made for a great story for the liberal media.

I'd still find the man reprehensible for turning on those who elected him but my antipathy towards the man would be lessened if he even feigned feeling bad about his betrayal, or even that he considered his perfidious actions to be a betrayal.

Maybe the repubs are going to just let it play out and just see how it works out for Barry. The odds are against rerpealing it now anyway so go with the flow. Can't blame whatever it turns out to be on George Bush...LOL!

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