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Ken Jones 2

Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
So, looks like gas isn't going to get any cheaper. Has anyone done any good comparisons on mileage and octane levels? Do you get enough of a savings to make it worth spending more on better fuel?
Some people in my office say they get better MPG with 89 over 87, But I am not sure how they calculated the MPG and stuff...

IF you do it correctly it is worth a try, but like most will say and I agree, Use the cheapest station you can find....

Heck I need 93 because of the tune, But i still get the cheapest i can find...

Todd Z
There is some truth to getting better mileage with higher octane gasoline.

If you read the stickers on the pumps, some brands of gas will blend in as much as 10-11% alcohol into there gas. This is a cheap way to increase the octane of gasoline, but alcohol gets about 25% less mileage per gallon. Sometimes this blending of fuels is dicatated by the state, and even some cities control the amount of alcohol that fuel must contain

Most brands of gasoline add the more expensive ingrediance to the higher octane grades of gasoline instead of using more alcohol because 10-11% alcohol is about all most non-flex fuel engines cat take without causing harm to their fuel systems (alcohol is highly corrosive)

So if you try different brands of 87 octane gasoline you will probably find some brands will give slightly better gas mileage than other brands. You can switch to a higher octame gasoline, however the slight improvement in gas mileage rarely if ever will offset the price, so you will likely be paying more for higher octane gas but only getting a very small improvement in mileage which means you could have gotten a better bargain just sticking with 87 octane.

Winter gas also contains more alcohol because it mixes with any water or moisture in the gas and prevents the water from freezing, and allows the smal quantities of water to pass through the fuel system without causing any harm. That is why you get poor mileage on winter gas.

So I would recommend sticking with the 87 octane and just trying different brands until you find a brand that gives you that little bit of extra gas mileage. Just remember that that same brand of gas may be slightly different in different states, and sometimes in different cities.


Because the XCal tune advances the timing, which will give better performance (to a point) but requires higher octane to keep from knocking.

I grew up when you set your own timing with a timing light and advance curve springs and weights.

Modern ignition systems have a knock sensor that will automatically keep the timing advanced as far as possible just shy of knocking (usually). If you run 89 in an engine designed for 87, the computer will advance the timing slightly but still within the parameters of what the factory limits are. So you might get a very slight improvement. The opposite is also true. My dad used to have a BMW that required premium. When gas first got real expensive he started using 87 but the timing dialed itself back enough that he lost mpg, enough that it was actually cheaper to run 92.

Most of my vehicles run like crap on the summer blend of gas we get here. From June to September I run 89, they run better and it probably doesn't cost any more overall because the mileage is slightly better.

A tuner like an XCal will go beyond what the factory settings are. Everything is a compromise...to get something you usually have to give up something.

That was an example....

But I have tunes for my 03 that I can run 87 performance and tunes that I must run 103 or higher....

All in the calibration and other things as johnnyO explained..

Todd Z
I see that makes sence thanks guys i am ordering my tunes on monday because the xcall will be here on thursday...

i am going to get 5 tunes

one for fuel economy forn 87 octane

one """"""""""""""""""""""""" 89 octane

one for performance 89 octane

one for towing 89 octance

one """" towing 87 """"""

or would this be a waste of time i admit it dont know what i am talking about as far as xcall go

just to learn buy and over the summer i will tell what tuunce to run all the time and what fuel to use....
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seriously doubt that you need 5 diff tunes, hard to believe there would a be an 87 econo tune and a towing tune, but who knows?