Officially Retired from the Air Force!

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Joe Rampino

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Dedham, MA
Last Sunday, I had my official retirement ceremony from the Air Force. (4 years active & 29 years reserves). Interesting factoid related to the family photo below: when I joined in 1968, all but three of the people in the picture - me, my twin brother, & my wife, were not even born yet. My how things change!


[Broken External Image]:
Congrats Sarge!

Thanks for your service to our country!

Next step, make it to 60 to draw your retirement pay!

I've got 14 more years till then!:eek:

Good luck, and have fun.


CONGRATS....enjoy....I'm envious!!

Gary G:D

Now you can go out and continue to work away because if you don't, you and your family will go nuts... LOL

Actually, since you were in the reserves for so long, I have to believe your family is used to you being there with them.

Good luck with your retirement...

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