Oil Change Message '07

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Oct 26, 2002
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Ohatchee, AL
I have 1,400 miles on my '07 and am now getting the "Change Oil Soon" message on the dash display. I bought the ST in Aug 06 so it's about three months old.

Anyone know if this message comes on based on miles driven or time since last oil change?

I checked the owner’s manual and can't find much information. The maintenance manual lists the 1st oil change due at 5,000 miles. Should I be changing the oil at 1,400 miles?

Thx, Jacque

Personally I would change it....

The computer takes into account , miles driven, started, throttle use, driving habits and stuff like that to get to that point......

Todd Z

Check the owners manual page 79. Apparently you can reset the start value percentage. Sort of odd that they use a percentage instead of easy to figure miles.
I agree with Todd, I would have the oil changed. They use a very complex Algorithm that takes into acount all of the things Todd mentioned and more. For example, let's say that your daily commute to work is only 5 miles, well the computer takes this into account and knows that your oil would need to be changed a lot sooner than a vehicle that might be driven 30 miles. The algorithm takes into account that the engine is not getting an opportunity to fully warm up and it deteriorates the oil faster because of that.
I think all these answers are BS. change it a 5k miles unless it takes you longer than 12 months to drive the 5k. Oil sits on the shelf for who knows how long, just sitting there doesn't cause it to breakdown. driving it causes it to breakdown.
I think all these answers are BS. change it a 5k miles unless it takes you longer than 12 months to drive the 5k. Oil sits on the shelf for who knows how long, just sitting there doesn't cause it to breakdown. driving it causes it to breakdown.

Not quite the same with oil sitting on the shelf. In the engine, you get can get condensation inside, and if the truck is never fully warmed up, you don't get rid of it. Most owners manuals I have read state a time limit in addition to the mileage.

I try to change mine every three months (humid FL and lots of short trips) and if by some chance I travel somewhere, I do it between 3-5k. Currently, I am negligent, I am at 4500 miles and have been over 5 months since I was at sea for a good bit of time. Pulled in and made a 1300 mile round trip that pushed it up.... oil gets changed Saturday.
I change my filter every 3K miles (use the best I can find) and top off (use the best full synth).
Thanks for all the responses, This is my 2nd car so I only drive it on weekends.

I will make an appointment for the oil change first thing Monday.

Thanks again
thumperjb, just to confirm some assumptions i'm curious to know what your driving conditions are that are requiring an oil change at 1,400 miles. Your mileage is probably less than half of what most of us would drive in a 3 month period. Do you drive a lot of short daily trips? If you don't mind, give us an overview of your driving pattern.
I thought the oil change indicator was based on mileage? I think it was changed by the dealership to get you to come in more often. The factory fill oil does not have an additive for break-in so you're good running it for 5,000 miles. Also, better tolerances reduce blow-by which prevents oil from becoming more acidic. I'd wait 5,000 and change that oil life monitor to 100%. It sounds like it's set to 20%.

As far as condensation, oil and water don't mix and PCV is supposed to draw off any vapors in the crank case so I don't see what the deal is.