Well-Known Member
There is an article about wind power farms being proposed here in Virginia in the local paper. Similar articles were ran a year or so ago about putting windmill farms off the coast in the ocean. These were shot down because envrionmentalists believed that birds would be harmed by flying into them, and because the Navy said it would impact the training off the east coast too much (flying) What is to keep these birds from flying into the trees and mountains that exist now?? I do have one or two a year fly into my large windows on the back of my house though, but birds are for the most part smart enough to fly around things I think. They seem to avoid my ST on the road pretty well. Have yet to hit on in it... IT seem smost people have the whole NIMBY attitudee about it. There are also a couple of comments that have been left after the article, that I can't believe that they are serious, however the paper "censors" every comment before posting for some reason... I have commented on stuff in the past on there, and have had my words changed before being posted...I don't post anymore on there... Here are the quotes and a link to the article:
Terrorists could take over the windmills, feed the generators electric power hijacked from nuclear plants, and turn the windmills in huge fans. This could in effect cause the earth to stop rotating, then reverse. If you fail to understand the seriousness of this issue, please refer to the early Superman movies.
- Ethan OToole - Virginia Beach
Say no to wind turbines......
Anything with a 200' diameter blade that turns at 30 to 40 RPM has got to be bad. Imagine if the propellor came off. It could travel for miles, chopping everything in it's path to shreds, killing thousands. And what if terrorists were to get their hands on one? These wind turbine things are just a disaster waiting to happen and too little is known about the adverse long-term health effects that living near a giant rotating device may cause. Surely they produce some kind of electromagnetic something, or something. I think we should produce energy with something safe that we know more about....nuclear power.
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