Dan Long
Well-Known Member
I'm looking for some advice/opinions here... on Sunday my wife went out for a bicycle ride (~$1500 road bike) and as she was just getting outside of town she was clipped by a car that came up from behind her. She was riding in a designated bike lane on a 2 lane road (45 mph limit), about halfway up a slight hill when a young girl (probably 19-23) driving an 03 Toyota Corolla somehow strayed too far to the right and her passenger side mirror hit my wife's left hand and handlebar, thankfully pushing her a bit to the right before she took a nasty dive and landed in the bike lane rather than the road. The mirror was knocked off the Corolla and sent flying into the grass. The driver stopped, as did 2 cars that were behind her. The police were called and a report filed, and my wife declined an ambulance as she felt okay aside from a nasty goose egg on her hand and some significant road rash on her upper leg/hip where she landed and a few other spots that also hit the ground. She was wearing a helmet, but her head didn't hit the ground at all, so no worries of a concussion. She did go to an urgent care center later and got her hand x-rayed and a quick overall check of herself to be sure there were no fractures or other injuries.
As for the driver, she got a ticket of some sort, but we haven't seen the official report yet. Witnesses names and contact info were collected, of which one was a very nice man and his wife who offered to load her bike up and give her a ride home when the report was done, as I'm currently in New York with work. There is some a small amount of damage immediately visible to the bike, as her left shifter got bent, some gouges in the grip material and a few scrapes.
I'm trying to decide how to proceed from here... obviously the driver's insurance is going to pay for the x-rays and exam, as our health insurance will pursue them for reimbursement even if we don't do anything else. I'm guessing $100-200 for repairs to the bike and a good once over to make sure nothing got bent or otherwise damaged. She hasn't lost any time from work, and is basically okay, aside from being a bit sore and banged up. As for anything else such as "pain and suffering", I'm not the type to feel like we should get rich from this, but through ABSOLUTELY no fault of her own, my wife was injured and could have very easily been killed had that car been a few more inches over, and I feel some reparation should be made. We haven't contacted, nor been contacted by, the driver's insurance company yet, and I'm trying to figure out where to go from here...
Do you think I should contact an attorney first, or give her insurance company a call and just see if she reported the claim yet? If they make any sort of offers, obviously above and beyond any medical costs and bike repairs, what do you guys feel would be a fair amount? Any other advice for the situation?
As for the driver, she got a ticket of some sort, but we haven't seen the official report yet. Witnesses names and contact info were collected, of which one was a very nice man and his wife who offered to load her bike up and give her a ride home when the report was done, as I'm currently in New York with work. There is some a small amount of damage immediately visible to the bike, as her left shifter got bent, some gouges in the grip material and a few scrapes.
I'm trying to decide how to proceed from here... obviously the driver's insurance is going to pay for the x-rays and exam, as our health insurance will pursue them for reimbursement even if we don't do anything else. I'm guessing $100-200 for repairs to the bike and a good once over to make sure nothing got bent or otherwise damaged. She hasn't lost any time from work, and is basically okay, aside from being a bit sore and banged up. As for anything else such as "pain and suffering", I'm not the type to feel like we should get rich from this, but through ABSOLUTELY no fault of her own, my wife was injured and could have very easily been killed had that car been a few more inches over, and I feel some reparation should be made. We haven't contacted, nor been contacted by, the driver's insurance company yet, and I'm trying to figure out where to go from here...
Do you think I should contact an attorney first, or give her insurance company a call and just see if she reported the claim yet? If they make any sort of offers, obviously above and beyond any medical costs and bike repairs, what do you guys feel would be a fair amount? Any other advice for the situation?