OT: Advice from other IT counterparts

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user 64117

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2006
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heres my situation;

Company size: over 40k users

Financial Company

I have 9 years in my current company. I have been working IT all 9 years. I have gone through 10 unofficial re-orgs (6 official) since hired. I have lost many good friends during the last 5 years. This year is no different. My best buddy at work was giving 90 day plus serverance. I am the only member of my "group" in Boston. Other members are in MN, NY & India. I dont know how much more of this stuff i can take mentally. Being dedicated to one company doesnt seem to make a difference anymore in IT. My best buddy has worked here for 12 years just to find out one day that he has to leave in 90 days...and by the way...train his India replacement during that time.

Anyone have any advice?

Thanks in advance,

Dan G,

You are still in one of the best areas of the country to be in IT. Don't moan the whole "trained my replacement from India" because though that does happen, it's merely a sign of the times. Those that are "replaceable" will always be replaced by lower cost alternatives. The key is to make yourself irreplaceable.

Be glad you are likely to get 90 days serverance should things go bad. I suspect you can land on your feet in the Boston area in 90 days. Might it mean a lifestyle change...sure.

Now is the time to start looking, start saving and adjust your lifestyle. Burn the midnight oil. Consider going independent. You have skills. I just turned down a 18 month contracting gig for $80/hour in Philly, which is not that stellar...and I wasn't even looking (but it pays to ALWAYS be looking in this business).

Good luck. Start the hunt now, but do so on the DL and keep being an asset to your current company.

TJR (21 years in IT)
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I don't know what's your IT expertise, but here in CT we have tons of consulting gigs (Java, .NET mostly). I had no issues landing one within a week about 6-7 month ago and then another one about 6-month before that and so forth for the past 4 years. I personally think that these days employers are looking for people with multiple companies/industries experience as opposed to people that worked in a single place for a long time. And it has its rationale, it has to do with how much exposure you get to different architectures and technologies working at different places. And all companies want somebody who can do it all (or pretend that they do…).

Anyway, my advise, be proactive, don't let them keep you in suspense – drive your own bus, start looking for a new job. Even if you are looking for a full time position in a long run, try consulting (hell, you might even like it, totally different level of responsibility and usually far better pay!). There must be no less IT work in Boston then it is in Hartford.

Alex (13 years in IT).

I agree with TJR, even if you love your job and there is no threat of losing it, it never hurts to look. You just never know. But the days of 30 years with one company is over. Buy outs and mergings along with cheaper labor, either here or another country is happening all too often. Its nice to be loyal, but think of number 1 first, and that's YOU.

I saw the signs years ago when all the top people wanted to "spend more time with their family" which was all BS, after the last of 5 vice presidents left within 18 months the company fell when 2 fund managers were caught by the SEC market sharing, it was a mutual fund company, but just by the way people were leaving was my red flag to update my resume. Thank God I did. But good luck, 9 years was a great run, if you want to stick it out, get as much info as possible, especially if you go independant, you know as far as contacts and connections, and it does not hurt to keep some empty boxes around in case.

I went through something similar late last year. Though I was fortunate to find an even better job (except for the much longer drive) within a month, the uncertainty is rough. Based on what I experienced in various interviews, I would strongly recommend getting as many industry certifications as you can, and keeping them current. Even with many years of experience, current certifications let a prospective employer know that you are keeping current with today's changes in technology.

I'd also recommend taking every opportunity at your current employer to increase your exposure and experience with other parts of IT (e.g., if you are in network support, try to spend some time and learn something about the server side of the world).

Good Luck!
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I understand and feel you pain which is why I finally left private industry IT, did 2 years of consulting for the goverment and then I was finally hired on a federal employee.

Federal employement is the way to go for aging IT guys with wives and kids and responsibilities that stopy you from spendings nights and weekends hacking away on the keys till 3 in the morning to stay on the bleeding edge.

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