OT: Congratulations Barack Obama

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Thomas Rogers

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Sellersville, PA
Looks like he got a couple of important battleground states: Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Congrats. McCain, looks like it's going to be a long night.

I just heard the fat lady clear her throat.

Congratulations on buying an election. I am sure that is what our fore fathers had in mind back in the day.

Just wondering how many times I will get sick tomorrow. I am just thoroughly disgusted with the drones and lemmings that just blindly went and pulled the lever to let the dirtiest politician (it started when he lied to McCain about public funds and just continued everytime his mouth moved) into the highest office.

Figure that tax hit is going to hurt so bad I mind as well go and lose my job and start being on the receiving end....please spread the wealth to me!

Or may just write a book or two, 'How to get your piece of the 'spreaded wealth' or 'Receiving spreaded wealth for dummies' (will tell you how to work the system)

Let it all just be a bad dream tomorrow.

Figure that tax hit is going to hurt so bad I mind as well go and lose my job and start being on the receiving end....please spread the wealth to me!

Perhaps that's one way to address it.
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I am throwing darts at a map of the world right now...where to move? I am thinking South America, they at least have the 4-door Ranger with a diesel in it that I want.
we are all doomed:(

african americans came out in force to prove a point, 10s of millions of them that have never voted in the pastJMO
i was thinking canada lol or germany...

actually... austraila has the FPV line that i really like...

yep.... austraila it is

My boss called me out of the blue to spread the word on a 7am meeting on what we can do reduce costs to prevent job loss. The tax man here we come:(.
Fox just called it. McCain is done.

At least I don't have to worry about paying my mortgage or putting fuel in the ST anymore.
We survived 8 years of Clinton, We can survive a shorter time with Obama.

I don't think he will get a second term.

America will realize thay have been conned.

And I thought Bill Clinton was a dirtbag,

He looks kinda good these days.

He's probably smoking a cigar right now.

While Hillary is pitching a fit.:lol:

Bill nailed it. My polling place was overflowing with AAs and the shuttle busses were clogging the parking lot. At least we had some voting numbers I guess. Usually I am #80 or 90 at 6 pm. Today I was 493 for my prescint.
<I>"We survived 8 years of Clinton, We can survive a shorter time with Obama."</I>

But Clinton was a relative moderate who really didn't do much. Obama, on the other hand, is an ambitious Marxist and is a globalist and anti-American to an even greater extreme than Carter was.

Overall, I blame the Republican party for nominating yet another "reach-across-the-aisle" moderate instead of a principled conservative. McCain simply does not excite the base of the party, and apparently, even Palin's conservative credentials were not enough (although things might have been different if she were on the top of the ticket).

If Obama is able to deliver on what he has promised, we'd all better get used to living in the cold and dark, as fuel and electricity will be priced out of reach of the average working person.

Welcome to the USSR west.

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The Obama Campaign getting out the votes was like handing out welfare checks:lol:

the 40% that pay no taxes, but will get a check decided this election.

The America we knew, is gonna be as bankrupt as Social Security before too long.

We have too many people not paying their fair share.

Spread the wealth=Spread the poverty.

I'm tired of this country turning into mob rule.

Foilks, we had an election. We may not like the results, but we are Americans, and this is how we govern ourselves.

I don't care for Barrack Obama's (actual, rather than stated) political positions on a few important issues. But I'm prepared to give the man a chance rather than heaping dung on his performance, before he even gets started on the job.

The Republican Party has no one to blame but themselves. They spent like drunken sailors, waged an unpopular war started with dubious intelligence, kicked the Constitution to the curb more than once, and occassionally acted like a bunch of Yale school boys planning pranks for a frat party. Personally, I'm tired of it from both sides.

Let's see what "change" means, in reality, rather than a campaign ad, and then judge accordingly.


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