OT: Congratulations Barack Obama

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Getting ready to leave Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany to go back home to Poland. Heard some fighter jets taking off a few minutes ago...the sound of freedom.

Now that the election is over, it is time to roll up our sleeves and work to fix what went wrong in America. The President can't do it alone. The voters have chosen a new path, so let's see where it takes us. Whatever direction we go, we should remember we are Americans first. Race, political affiliation, etc., all come after that. We are the United States, not the divided. We come from all backgrounds, but one thing is certain, and it has been repeated for over 200 years...UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.

Our darkest days have always been the times when we were divided. The Civil War, the Civil Rights problems of the 60s, The Vietnam War, and 2008 (the present). In comparison, World War II was one of our brightest moments. Yes, we lost many good men in that war, but we all worked together for a common goal...to bring freedom to the World. America was never stronger than during that war.

Working together, we can beat any challenge. We are still the World's only Super Power. This is not only a military boast. It also includes our economy, our standard of living, etc. People still yearn to come to America for a better life. We are still the beacon of freedom.

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I just checked with Rosetta Stone to see if they had a program that would teach us how to speak AA-ish. No luck, but she said we should be able to pick up on it easily, providing that we listen to the media alot when we are jobless. My opinion only, and this is not meant to offend anyone.

:lol: all you nut jobs stay outta Canada! we have enough problems without a massive migration due to an Obama presidency
Rod stop being an ass.... Your opinion is clearly one that sucks..... Give the guy a chance to lead and don't be such a divisive and rascist sounding jerk. What the hell do you mean AA-ish? Are you talking ebonics? If not then please explain what you mean, are you making some sort of funny joke? Would you say that to my face or anyone of color?

I gotta admit yesterday got sooo ugly there were people on radio and on blogs everywhere that had so much anamosity built up that they stopping just short of calling Obama a NIGGER???!!! It was absolutely terrible and it showed some peoples true colors of what the real issue with them was really all about...

The world does not end here people... It is a time to see if we can do something a little different for better or worse....
Now that he can relax, since he is president elect, he'll start smoking in public, he'll turn his basecap sideways, show off his underwear, and order some grills!:lol:

So, this entire election it has been stated that this election is not about race, and not to make it about race, and race this and race that, yada yada yada, so last night against my better judgment, I watched the election results come in from state to state, and low and behold, the media, when showing different celebatory parties, showed HARLEM, CHICAGO and L.A., all of which were filled with black folks dancing around and hollerin at the camera's.

Why not show what was happening in Arkansas, South Carolina, Georgia and such? Not too mention, now we have a democratic president, democratic senate and democratic house. The next four years should be fun. Time to start working "under the table" and burying money in my kitchen floor.

Then oddly enough Barack gets up to make his acceptance speech, let me first point out that during his campaign, he kept stating he is going to change this and change that immediately, and fix this and fix that and that all this changing and fixing was going to be first priority to him and he would get it done. So, first thing he speaks of during his acceptance speech "Thank you for believing, I must first say that the changes that I want to make and promise to fix, well it won't be done in the first year, and it may not be done in the second year, I ask that you give me time, as I may not be able to get these changes made in my first term".

WTF, is that, you promised this and that and said you would do it, and now like the typical politician you claim you are not, now that you are in, already you are asking for more time to change things and you are not even in the white house yet.... This is a sad sad day for America, the way I see it. I am going to start my application to get my carry conceal weapon permit, what with the national police force coming as we move from a democracy into a socialist/communist country.

One last tidbit....So, I have heard that now that we are going to have a muslim Commander in Chief, first order of business is a new job in the military, Suicide Bomber, no enlistment bonus, but I hear there is a 1 million dollar reenlistment bonus….

I see what is wrong with this country out in full force on this board.

If you all really think that things will be drastically different with Obama in the WH versus McCain than I'd like to know what you are smoking.

I voted for McCain, but I thought long and hard on it. I went back and forth for weeks, often mentally prepared to vote for Obama.

As I pressed the "VOTE" button I did so hoping McCain would win, but mentally prepared for him to lose, which I very much expected.

I don't see the election as "bought!", I don't think that the next 4 years will turn this country into ghetto/gangsta land, I think Barack is essentially the politician and person he claims to be, no more, no less morally righteous than McCain; and no more and no less an American as McCain.

Will Obama be GOOD for our country? Time will tell. Those that say unequivocally that McCain would have been better are simply supposing that to be the case.

Ultimately many voted for "Not Bush", and viewed the Republican candidate, McCain, as too closely aligned to Bush and to the policies and administration that has been in charged the past 8 years as this country has faltered (notice I didn't place blame, just indicated who was at the helm).

If we all can't heal and get past this, then that will simply continue to fuel the divisiveness in this country, and that spills over into Congress, and we will ALL be to blame as nothing changes.


One last tidbit....So, I have heard that now that we are going to have a muslim Commander in Chief, first order of business is a new job in the military, Suicide Bomber, no enlistment bonus, but I hear there is a 1 million dollar reenlistment bonus….

We don't positively know whether he is a muslim or Christian.

but that is funny.

Here in Atlanta, they did in fact show coverage of the Obama celebrations,

at Ebenezer Baptist Church of coarse.

I as many Americans, feel this elections was bought.

There were too much money that flowed into his campaign

unchecked. Ironic, he used illegal and foreign campaign contributions

to defeat a campaign finance reformer:blink:

Pretty sad that this will never be investigated.

Like I said before, America doesn't like cheats, theives and liars.

Time will tell.

God Bless America,

Not GD America

Since I wasn't a big fan of McCain, Obama's win doesn't really bother me. I'm more worried about the majority Democrat congress. Guess I will have to delay my retirement for a few years since more of my hard earned money will undoubtedly be take from me to give to others that choose not to work so hard.
Finally the racists show their true "color"- you are small minded people and I pity you, because you attach such importance to something no one can choose. Drawing distinctions such as this is how Nazism started. You are also a bunch of sore losers. This election demonstrated how our system of democracy works and that a man of humble origins can rise to the top. Long ago, your own ancestors may have been viewed with suspicion as they entered this country to pursue their dreams. Your candidate was gracious in defeat, and clearly pointed out that love of this country and all of its citizens is what drives him forward, despite our differences. Personally, I admire Barack Obama and am proud he is my president, and I hope he will end the disastrous war in Iraq and improve our world standing, which would certainly help the dollar's prospects. His victory speech last night illustrated his character and confidence going forward. So, cling to racism or embrace the ideals of our democracy and move ahead.
We don't positively know whether he is a muslim or Christian.

but that is funny.

You will now when they show obama walking out of a mosque.

I think the biggest thing that bothers me the most the promises. We will see in 4 years from now if obama corrected bushes mistakes or we are worse off (if were worse off, I can her the blaming of bush, which they should blame congress since they write/pass laws)
I'm relieved that the Democrats did not get 60 seats in the Senate. At least there will be some check on them. I, for one, kind of prefer when the Presidency and Congress are controlled by different parties. That at least stops the really extreme BS from either side from getting through. Government that does the least is usually the best.

Since I won $200 on this election on a bet that I made after the 2004 election (I bet a friend $100 that Hillary would not be elected, double or nothing that she wouldn't get the nomination), I am now working on bets for the 2012 election. I have already bet several friends that President-elect Obama does not win re-election -- making him almost exactly like Jimmy Carter.

Of course, any money that I win will be reported to the IRS so that the government can get their cut.:p:rolleyes:
Why not show what was happening in Arkansas

I was here. In Jonesboro, the celebration damn near turned into a riot. Was shutdown before got too outta hand. THere was gunfire and partying.

Finally the racists show their true "color"- you are small minded people and I pity you

Not a racist, but thank you for your smallmindedness. I voted for McCain because I was not for Obama for so many reasons. Could give a rat's rear end what color the skin is, besides we all know his is yellow and red anyway.

Small minded eh? Well, we shall see. In 2 years, when we are in full-blown recession, are you and your buddies still going to be blaming Bush and the Republicans? How about in 4, 6 or 8? Bush is done. Who's your anti-christ now?
I find it humorous that the Obama supporters are calling us racist because we question his promises and stating that we are sore losers. So, we are small minded people and so on and so on. Because Obama won, this particular election showed how the system of democracy really works, I wonder if those opinions would be the same had McCain won.

Lasik, I am sure its easy for you to say that you would feel the same about our system had McCain won, but I guess we'll never know.

No matter what a republican or anyone who didn't vote for Obama says, we will always be accused of being racist. If we question his tactics or his promises, we are racist, if he loses the election we are racists, if something happens to him or his family while in office we are racist, if he runs for a second term and loses we are racist. Well I guess that is that, anyone that doesn't support a black or muslim or white, or whatever he is claiming he is today, is a racist. Guess I am racist, and guess what, I am fine with that. However, what I am not fine with is the fact that I am a hard working racist, who instead of getting to enjoy the money I earn as a racist, now I have to share it with my neighbor because my neighbor decided he'd rather the government support him instead of himself.

I do not have these feelings because Obama is black, muslim, white, indian, hispanic or whatever, I have these feelings for the entire control that the democrats have and what they stand for "take from hard working give to the lazy". Withdraw all troops and downsize the military, punish the wealthy for earning their money, reward the poor for being ignorant and lazy. Yea, that is what America is.....or at least that is what it will become if the democrats actually get what they are wishing for and promising.
I don't care what color our president is. I may be white, but that doesn't mean I don't respect the abilities and opinions of people that are black, white, brown, red, yellow, green , purple, or pink! I have many good friends that are black. I sing in a choir with a large number of black people. We sing a lot of black gospel songs. My wife is as white as you can get, and she loves black gospel music!

The only question is, why is this a black-white issue? Why are all these people saying we get to vote for a black president for the first time? From all I've seen, he isn't black! He may look black, but supposedly he comes from one Anglo parent and one Arab parent! Just because the met in Africa doesn't mean either of them was African! My black friends all seem to either not know anything about this or just want to gloss it over. No one seems to want to talk about it or even look into it!

I also find it very odd that we elect a president of arabic background while we are at war with an arabic country!

I hope he will end the disastrous war in Iraq and improve our world standing, which would certainly help the dollar's prospects.

I hope he is able to accomplish these things also.

Finally the racists show their true "color"- you are small minded people and I pity you, because you attach such importance to something no one can choose. Drawing distinctions such as this is how Nazism started. You are also a bunch of sore losers.

Interesting comment from someone with so much education. You still fail to realize that for most of us, "color", has nothing to do with it. We are concerned about the substance of the man.

just checked with Rosetta Stone to see if they had a program that would teach us how to speak AA-ish. No luck, but she said we should be able to pick up on it easily, providing that we listen to the media alot when we are jobless. My opinion only, and this is not meant to offend anyone.

Now that he can relax, since he is president elect, he'll start smoking in public, he'll turn his basecap sideways, show off his underwear, and order some grills!

One last tidbit....So, I have heard that now that we are going to have a muslim Commander in Chief, first order of business is a new job in the military, Suicide Bomber, no enlistment bonus, but I hear there is a 1 million dollar reenlistment bonus….

It's asinine comments like this that appear to be racist or prejudicial in nature. They're completely out of line and contribute nothing of value to the conversation. They're right down there in the gutter with all of the vile things said about George Bush over the last eight years. Show some class, guys.

I didn't vote for President-Elect Obama, but nevertheless, he won. If nothing else, I still have nothing but the utmost respect for the office of POTUS, and I wish him well in his new job. It's going to be a tough road for him, as it is for any President. Time will tell if he and a Democrat-controlled Congress are able to accomplish anything positive in the next few years. If not, then the voters will need to hold Congress accountable in 2010.
Here we go again !!! Just because your candidate did not win, you assume somebody did something crooked to win.

When George W Bush won in 2000 it was close vote and it all hinged on Florida. That creaded the infamous "Dangling Chads" fiasco. After all the smoke cleared, and the Supreme Court got involved, Bush was declared the winner, yet people continue to say that he stole the election because his brother was the Governor of Florida. Which has been proven to be totally false. Bush wone by more votes than he was given gredit for.

Now Obama wins and people are saying that he bought the election?? Yes, he raised more campaign money than McCain, but how is that buying an election? The money cam from supporters where were mor generous and more numerous than McCain's. Obama won states that had traditionally been Republican strongholds.

Obama probably would have lost if the election was based on the wars in Iraq and Afgahnistan, but then the economy went down the drain and Obama was able to switch gears and his message on the economy, and McCain was not able to change his message to reassure the American public that he could get us through this.

The last 8 years of Republican rule has tarnished their record and it was going to be hard for any Republican to be elected to anything higher than a dog catcher.

Bush was elected because he claimed he was a "Uniter", but he and their Republican majority did more to ram Republican ideals done the troats of all Americans. How is that interpreted as being a "Uniter". I don't think Bush lied about WMD's in Iraq or that he was wrong to get rid of Saddam. His problem was when he proglaimed "Mission Accomplished" after having successfully taken Baghdad and assumed the war was over.

Anyway, the Election is over and those who were for Obama will celebrate his victory, and thos who supported McCain can be proud of his record as a patriotic American who was fighting a great fight until the bottom fell out of the economy.

I am really surprised at the racist remarks as well. *shaking my head*

I want to say something here. We do have members on this forum of ALL color and nationalities. YOU FOLKS (and you do know who you are) Are NO MORE SUPERIOR to them then they are to you.

With dignity, those members of color and other nationalities have chosen not comment much here or on any of the threads such as this one with the remarks I have seen, and have remained silent. Probably shocked at the things they have read from certain members.

Folks that I have had internet respect for here for a long time....have really let me down and I have lost a great deal of respect for in these last couple of weeks or so.

It is one thing to have differences of opinion in polictics but it is going TOO FAR, to bring in racial comments and is quite frankly, wrong and uncalled for.

You classify one group of people and think that is how it is. You are wrong. The color or ethinic back ground of a person does not matter to me.

What matters is the charecter of the person, What is in their heart and How they treat me or my family.

One should never judge, unless YOU have walked in their shoes. And if all you know is that of what you believe to be true or have stated as your belief in comments here and there, Then, you ( and you folks know who you are) are not as Worldly OR KNOWLEDGABLE or as INTELLIGENT, as you portray yourselves to be on this forum.

YES Lasik1, I believe the TRUE colors are showing...very loud and clear here.

If they wanted to make a difference, I would have thought, they should have been out there working for their candidate to recruit votes. Instead of argueing politics here and singeling out someones ethnic background or religions or beliefs.

In by doing that, it would have made far more sense to me.


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