OT: Congratulations Barack Obama

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Raising taxes on anyone in this economy is the wrong step to get us out of this mess.

Cutting spending is the right answer.

The Social Security system is a mess and going broke.

Obama has planned on raising taxes on a certain class of the people.

Let's be real, the whole 60,000 tax code is unconstituitional.


Let's be real, the whole 60,000 tax code is unconstituitional.

Actually, it's not. See the 16th Amendment.

In addition to passing the Fair Tax Act, two other things need to happen to transfer power from the Federal gov't back to where it belongs, in the states, and the people:

1. Repeal the 16th Amendment.

2. Repeal the 17th Amendment and return Senate appointments to the states.

Things started going significantly downhill with regard to ever-increasing Federal gov't power after those two amendments were ratified.
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Amendment 16 - Status of Income Tax Clarified. Ratified 2/3/1913. Note History

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

i'm no Constitution Scholar like Obama or Clinton.

But I read that taxes should be apportioned equally.

When we have several tax rates based on levels of income,

That to me in unconstitutional.

If Obama wants to assert "Fairness" in levying taxes,

The Fair Tax is the only way to go. IMO

This would do several things,

1. Bring back to this country an estimated 12-15 Trillion dollars

held in overseas accounts.

2. Promote personal Savings, which is deserately needed.

3. Free up thousands of hours doing taxes.

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The Glow Worm died today :(

Good luck to BO and Congress. I sincerely hope all the campaign promises were not just a lawyer spewing. He has no excuses, and let's pray (I am not religious) he is working at this moment on getting us on track.

I am extremely disappointed in his acceptance speech, as it appeared to me he immediately started to back-pedal.

He has a tough job. Clinton had it easy, as he was following an expansion lead by Kemp-Roth, that fueled the market with capital. BO is taking over in a storm, kind of like Carter and Reagan did. Of course, one was a leader, the other not.

On another note, Hillary must be disraught. If BO suceeds, he'll be re-elected, if he fails, it's likely a Republican will be elected. Either way, Hillary likely has to wait 8 years, at least.
I heard on the radio either Obama's term will be epic: he's the rock star or the country slides into a total recession. I can't agree with that more.

I am extremely disappointed in his acceptance speech, as it appeared to me he immediately started to back-pedal

Sorry you feel that way......

I listened to the speeches from both men and was very moved with the speech McCain gave. Both were speaking to the American public, but I feel their thoughts and hopes fell apon deaf ears with some. Neither of them put down the other. McCain even tried several times to get his followers to quit booing as he spoke of Obama. When Obama spoke of McCain, there were no boos from his followers. They both spoke of working together in making this country right again.......why can't we??
Hey Fox,

Don't feel sorry for me. It's just my opinion, the way I heard it.

I didn't hear McCain's.
I heard on the radio either Obama's term will be epic: he's the rock star or the country slides into a total recession. I can't agree with that more.

I cannot agree more. I hope for the sake of the country he moves to the Top 10... however, nothing in his past indicates he will do as much.

And to Bill V....

Like him or not, he is the new President and I am NOT LEAVING my country. I will support the policies I see as being inline with my values and lambaste those that are not. It was the same way with President Bush. President Clinton was my president. I disagreed with 75% of what he did, but he was my president. Obamalamadingdong is my President-Elect. When he takes that Oath of Office, I will give him the respect of the position. The difference between most conservatives and most liberals is that conservatives generally respect the Office of the President of the United States, no matter who's president. Liberals do not respect the office but rather the man. They trashed Mr. Bush who did more to restore honor and decency to the Office than Clinton could have ever done. Mr. Clinton was loved by the left, even though he trashed the Office, made a baffoon of his own character and became just the second President in the 42-member history (at the time) to be impeached (because he LIED infront of a grand jury).

But conservatives still reveared the Office of the President of the United States.

And still will with Mr. Obama as President.

Mr. Obama has repeatedly said he wants to unite this country. Ophraaaa has said he will. Yet, the first cabinet position supposedly has gone to Rohm Emanual. Rohm was one of the biggest partisans in the history of the United States Senate and while serving with Clinton, did everything he could to humiliate, degredate and castigate any and every conservative he could.

Way to start off on the right track.
Rohm was one of the biggest partisans in the history of the United States Senate

He's currently in the House of Reps, not the Senate.

Obama's first act as president-elect was to ask Democrat Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff. Rahm Emanuel is the epitome of old-school, established Washington partisan politics. He was a top dog washer for Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1998. In 2006, you can thank Rahm Emanuel for the Democrat take-over of the Congress ... he was the Chairman of the Democrat Congressional Campaign committee. This He recognized the fact that they Republicans had blown it. And he capitalized. Big time.

Emanuel was once the senior advisor and chief fundraiser for Chicago's Richard Daley. He was at the forefront of this corrupt, Chicago-style politics that Barack Obama refused to stand up to. Seems to have paid off.

But why is Emanuel the ultimate backwards choice? Because he was part of Bill Clinton's inside circle when he was involved in all of these sex scandals. Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaderrick, Paula Jones. Do any of those ring a bell? And there was Rahm Emanuel ... standing right by his side ... working his buns off to make sure that Clinton's sexual escapades didn't become public. And it seems he didn't learn his lessons, because he knew about the sexual scandals in the race for Mark Foley's seat a few years ago, and denied, denied, denied, and the blamed it on Republicans.
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On another note, Hillary must be disraught. If BO suceeds, he'll be re-elected, if he fails, it's likely a Republican will be elected. Either way, Hillary likely has to wait 8 years, at least.

She had her one shot at coronation. She'll never be able to run again as a viable candidate. She'll just become the next Ted Kennedy, and rot away in the Senate for rest of her political career.
And to Bill V....

Like him or not, he is the new President and I am NOT LEAVING my country.

Huh? When did I indicate that anyone should be leaving? I'm not one of those "If you don't like it, there's the door" types. I fully support, "If you don't like it, be productive and do what you can to make things better for everyone." That goes for people of all parties and beliefs.
I am pretty disappointed in this whole thread. Members of this site are a representation of our country regardless of race, religion, or political backing. That being said, WE are the ones to blame for how this country is run because WE are the ones that choose who represent us and speak for us. Until WE can come together as one voice and stand together as one nation; WE will never have the country that our forefathers invisioned and that WE desire. Funny how everyone here rallies around each other when there is a problem with our vehicles, but we can't do the same thing here when one of the most important things that matters to each and everyone of us is at stake. I don't care what color or religion the POTUS is. What matters is that our chosen leaders do what is the most important and responsible thing to do for OUR country. That may or may not be necessarily what their political stand might have been during the campaign, but that doesn't matter. Doing the right thing for our nation does. If our chosen leaders do a great job, support them and thank them. If not, hold them accountable. How do WE do that? Through our democratic system. If you don't like the job people are doing let them know your not happy by voting them out of office. And if you like the job they're doing congratulate them by giving them your vote to keep them in office. The key is to vote, not just when you're unhappy or happy, but every single time you are given the opportunity. If every American exercises their right to vote every time they have a chance then we wouldn't have to sit here and have discussions like this every four years. We're not always going to be happy about who wins or loses! But you still have a voice everytime a bill is proposed, it's called a Representative. Write them and tell them what matters to you. None of us here can help you! I don't really care who voted for who, I exercised my right! If you did and aren't happy talk to your Representatives. If you did and are happy talk to your Representatives. If you didn't vote, then just shut up because you don't have the right to complain and we don't have time to listen to you.
Just my $.02, i heard on the news 97% of all african americans voted obama. Race bias? maybe. Now this is just my view, im not racist so dont take this that way.
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I saw a news story somewhere (can't find the link at the moment) where voter exit surveys asked whether race was a factor determining which candidate the person voted for. What they found: Of people who said race was a factor, approximately 55% voted for Obama, and approximately 45% voted for McCain. Of people who said race was not a factor, approximately 55% voted for Obama, and approximately 45% voted for McCain. In other words, although some people voted based on race, the net effect of that on the outcome was pretty close to nil.
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This link gives more detail info on the "Exit Polls" if anyone is really interested how the votes ranked...
Well maybe I am more uspet that people voted for him because they "wanted a change." Not because they know ANYTHING about obama, or his campaign. Idk, im intrested to find out what is going to happen.

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