I think this is a great promotion for them, and seem to be pretty good quality flags.
On another note, if you're looking for a unique gift or something like that, you can write to your senator and request a flag that has been flown over the US Capitol. If you can give a couple of month's notice, you can get one flown on a specific date. All flags come with a certificate from The Architect of the Capitol (an official position) that certifies the accompanying flag was flown over the Capitol. If you've requested a specific date for a specific reason, it will certify that "The accompanying United States Flag was flown over the United States Capitol on <your date> in honor of <your reason; i.e., John and Jane Doe's Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary> at the request of <your senator>." It may take a couple of months after the date to actually get the flag, but it's a neat gift. They have different sizes, and the prices aren't bad (I think it was around $20-30 for a 3x5 foot flag). I have the flag flown over the US Capitol on the day my wife and I were married, and when a friend of mine (who is a State Trooper) graduated from Trooper School (their Police Academy), I have the US Flag flown over the Capitol on that date, as well as the staet flag (Georgia) flown over the state capitol that date. State flag availability may vary from state to state, so check with your state senate, house of representatives, or maybe the Secretary of State.
<a href="http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm">This link</a> will take you to a page where you can find your senator's contact information and/or website. Flag ordering will probably be under "Constituent Services" or something like that.