OT-How a man fixes a clogged vacuum hose

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Jenn D

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2003
Reaction score
My coworker had a rough night last night and she hit the fan this morning at work when she didn't have a hair clip to put her hair up (the ladies will understand how this can be the staw that breaks a camel's back). So, she felt compelled to give a detailed explanation of what happened to her hairclip and in the process give a male-oriented lesson on how to fix and unclogged vacuum. Enjoy!

This is how you use a hairclip to unclog a vacuum hose.

1. find a hairclip that will work. Invade your wife's meager beauty

supplies. Find the one that is long and works like a flamingo beak.

2. Dismantle the entire vacuum so that you can access the clog. Never mind

that the clog is in the hose where it easily disengages from the vacuum. You

must cover all bases and take apart the entire machine.

3. Discover that you can't find the correct tools to dismantle the vacuum.

Go downstairs and tear apart the broom closet, and fling all of its contents

into the family room. Leave for wife to pick up.

4. start to unscrew every screw in the vacuum. Put screws and parts into a


5. Gain access to clog. Shake and curse at the tube until clog is where it

can be reached.

6. Ignore the tools that you found in the broom closet to retrieve clog. Use

handy clip from wife's supplies.

7. Grab clog and pull.

8. Curse when it comes out in pieces. Keep grabbing and pulling.

9. Once clog is removed, put vacuum back together. Curse yourself for not

labeling screws or parts.

10. Go online to print out owners manual.

11. Curse when owners manual says in big bold letters DO NOT REMOVE SCREWS


12. Disregard manual. The writers had no clue what they were doing anyways.

13. Put last screw in place. Disregard leftover parts.

14. Test vacuum. Curse when the vacuum blows air out instead of sucking air


15. Kick vacuum

16. Wife puts gauze and cream on bleeding foot. Wife fixes vacuum with no

extra parts. (it's a good thing husband did the hard work first)

17. While wife is fixing, limp to wife's supplies to put hairclip where it

was found. Surely wife will be proud that you put it away after using it.

18. Watch tv and pass out.

So in the story--why didn't the wife have her hair clip the next day? Step 17 said that he put it back where he found it...
well, aparently, she left out that the clip had risidual clog leavin's.....yuck.

Oh wait--was the "it" in #8, coming out in pieces, supposed to be the clip? If so, that explains it. My first read interpretted that pronoun as being the clog...
I'm good with all the steps except printing the Owner's Manual. Desperation move.

Probably uses maps when he's lost, too. Pitiful.
That's pretty much what I did to ruin the first few vacuum cleaner we had.:(

I finally got smart and found that shoving a broomstick down the hose will quickly remove nearly any object jammed in the hose.:)
