OT: Looking for advice on LASIK

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user 62394

Active Member
May 27, 2005
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There always seems to be people on this site will to share their experience and knowledge on non-ST topics, so I thought this would be a good place to ask. I am considering having laser vision correction performed and am looking for opinions and experiences from people.

I am fairly severely near-sighted (my contact lens prescription is -7.00, if that means anything to anyone. Has been steady for years), to the point that if I am not wearing glasses or contacts, I would have to hold a newspaper a couple of inches from my face in order to read it. My last eye exam, after I took my contacts out, the doctor asked if I could read anything on the chart projected on the wall, I told him I knew there was a light there. You get the point.

Things I am trying to figure out -- How much should a GOOD doctor cost (I'm a little freaked out by the $150 per eye ads)? Recovery time (a day?), how happy you have been with it, have you had to go back for "touch ups", anyone experiencing poor vision returning over time? And, if anyone has doctor recommendations in the metro Detroit area I would be interested (I live in Dearborn, work in Farmington Hills).


There is a DR on here that does lasik, I think his name is Lasik

He has helped many members in the past...

Todd Z
I had mine done about six years ago. I will be 50 this year. Would I do it again . .YES!

recovery - you can see clearly immediately but it will take close to six months before it is really healed. What I found was until it healed completely I needed more light to see in darker areas, like under a desk at work or in a closet. I tried playing softball with in a few weeks of having it done and I could not hit a pitch. It was slow pitch too! So my depth perception was off too. This also went away as it healed.

Cons - I still have some stars around the on comming headlights of cars approaching. Although this has decreased since the surgery, it has not completely gone away.

- if there is a light right behind a street sign, I can not read the sign. Part of the star thing.

- since I'm older I need reading glasses now for smaller print. That is going to happen when you get older anyway.

I love having 20-20 in one eye and 20-15 in the other. They have even improved the process since I had it done.

Sorry for the long response . . . . good luck with your decision.


Theresa had Lasik done last year. She loves it. As Todd Z said, there is a Lasik Doctor here that is a member. Do a search for LASIK1.

I had the opportunity to meet him in person at his office in Key West, Fl. He is a great guy. You could try contacting him.

I had the procedure several years ago and would highly recommend it. Remember you get what you pay for so $150 for a procedure I would not recommend. I paid $2000. Complete recovery takes several weeks, however you are able to see immediately. Several things need to be considered regarding age and type of visual problem and the doctor will explain all of these things to you. At the time I had my prodecure done it did not improve your ability to read (as I still use reading glasses) however there are improvements to the procedure that may help with this also. As Todd said a member here that lives in Key West is a surgeon and could give you the best information. Good Luck...
had it done 6 years ago, $1800 per eye, done in Madison WI. Before surgery I was 20/700, after I was 20/20. Well worth it. Rested all day after the procedure, felt like sand in my eyelids for a day or two, but after that felt pretty good. No problems to this day, still 20/20. DO IT!!
I had it done back in 2001. 20/400 in each eye uncorrected and went to 20/15 in each eye with a combined 20/10 (nurse in ER went nuts when I read the bottom line saying I had memorized it or something). The office should be able to give you references of past clients (at least they used to, not sure how HIPPA affects that now, maybe voluntary???). I got a heck of a deal back then too (very experienced doctor was moving into a new market area) for 1500 total :)

Get it done on a Friday, you'll be back to work on Monday with no problems!

The one thing the procedure will not fix is old age (presbyopia). Just keep that in mind when you go in :) My mother-in-law had hers done (she wore crazy thick glasses, like -14 diopter) and she just wears reading glasses for the most part (she's in her 50s now).
If Jessica Simpson can withstand the process so can you Gavin...LOL j/k

I want to have to done as well. My Brother had it done last summer and was well worth it.

I'm sure you can google the procedure on how they do it.
I had it done in 04, $2450 total. I now have 20/15 both eyes. Try a search on web "lasik plus", this is all they do.

The surgery took about 10 minutes, didn't feel anything-they put a drop in each eye. You will have to keep your eye still, not as hard as you think.

I drove the next day and have had no problems with stars, lights or anything.

Would I do it again, absolutely!

1 - Takes less than 15 min. About 3 hrs prep time.

2 - Yes you are

3 - You don't feel anything. I was given a small dose of valium to calm you.

4 - That is all explained.

My doctor explained everything in detail during the prep time. Some of it could have waited till afterwards (some things you would rather find out later, less to think about). Absolutely no pain, and only slight discomfort after surgery. You can see immediately. All you need is to follow post-op instructions and get a ride home. You will be driving the next day.
I had it a while ago--I'm guessing it's been 8 or 9 years. I had vision at least as bad as yours--I think I was around -8, with significant astigmatism and prism. I was so far out that they told me right off the bat that the chances of getting to 20/20 were slim. But they would be able to get close.

I'm now about 20/25 in one eye, and 20/30 in the other. I feel like I'm 20/20 when I'm in a bright, naturally lit area. However, at night, or in darkened rooms, or even in indoor artificial light, I need my glasses--to where I wear them all the time. However, it's still worth it to me, just to be able to wear lightweight glasses part-time, rather than ones that felt like they were about three pounds. I suspect the technology has evolved enough since I had it that I could probably go in again and get to where the glasses aren't needed, if I wanted to do that--but right now it's not a priority.

In the months leading up to my surgery, I had to wear different lenses in my glasses. Years of lenses that contained prism had allowed my eye muscles to get lazy, causing the prism to get worse and worse with each lens change. But LASIK couldn't address that (to my knowledge, it still can't), so I had to use a series of lenses with progressively less prism to train my eye muscles to compensate. Eventually I got to lenses with no prism, and was then ready for surgery.

When I don't wear my glasses, I see stars around headlights and streetlights at night--but putting the glasses on eliminates this. I also get a bright starburst all around the periphery of my range of vision whenever I sneeze or cough when it's dark. Other than these, I've had none of the starburst issues some people report.

I had the RK back in 91. I was scared of the knife they would stick into your eye to make the cuts. It is no worse than putting contacts in. Just felt a little pressure on the eye. I hear the lasik is even better. I still have 20/20 in one eye. The other went bad 6 years after surgery. I still passed my driver license renewel.

I felt it was a miracle after the surgery.
If you have cataracts starting, wait. I too am severally near sighted with a stigmatismam {not sure of spelling} and was thinking about Lasik or laser, but my doctor told me mine where too bad for that. I did have cataracts starting. They got to the point where the glare at night was too bad for driving. I had the cataracts removed last spring and went from a -11 to seeing 20/40. My cousin had the Lasik done 4 times and still has problems. I have heard that the cataracts surgery is better than either the Lasik or laser. I am 52 next week and see better than I ever have. I had contacts since 1969. Everybody is different. See what your eye doctor says, then see what the eye surgeon says, and make sure you see what the surgeons track record is.

Good Luck


just one additional point- I do remember my doctor saying if any eye clinic suggests doing RK- run fast. No need for it nowadays, is an ancient method. I am not even sure if they still do RK but just a point to consider. May even be better methods than lasic now- not sure.
I went with the LASIK a couple of years ago. To this day, I see the clock across the room at night and it is clear as could be and am glad I had it done. I went with the custom LASIK (where they measure you eye in great detail and enter the data into the laser system for a somewhat more detailed procedure) and went from 20/200+ to 20/15 in each eye. Took a nap after the procedure, when I woke up everything was pretty clear. When I woke up the next morning it felt as if nothing had been done, except that the world was crystal clear. My vision did get a bit better over the next few days, but there was on recovery to speak of. It cost me a couple grand, and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.
Thanks for the input everyone. I will see if I can get in touch with the doctor on the board as well.

Thanks, again.


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