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I'm glad too. But it looks to me like the folks that got boinked were trying to 'slip through'. If so, serves them right, if not, awwww sorry.
lol They are pretty effective. A lot of the military bases are getting those. They stay down until someone attempts to "run" the gate guard.
It's a great invention, but city streets are not a suitable application for these! They were intended for border crossings and military checkpoints. Here's a good video:
They are installing these on a road in my city as we speak. It's a 3 lane road and sometime 2 lanes go one direction and other times 2 lanes go the opisite way. They are putting these in the turn lane to close it off when the road changes direction. Hopefully they set up a cam likle this!! :)
I think it's a very bad idea to put them at intersections; more people will end up hurt than anything. How about rescue vehicles? What if I am being robbed and had to move out of the intersection? Better yet, WHAT if the thing breaks???

Very bad idea.

There has to be a better answer for this particular application. Those idiot drivers got what they deserved for deliberately trying to tail the bus into the restricted area, but it's only a matter of time before these barriers cause some kind of unforseen accident or death like by deflecting a car up onto the sidewalk, or serious injury to a passenger. The driver may deserve what he gets, but a baby in the back doesn't. There's a better way waiting to be found.

I would like to see a nozzle on either side of the street that hoses the offending vehicle with fluorescent spray paint, marking it for the cops and serving as a deterrant if not an absolute blockade. It would also be just as funny on camera :) Or perhaps they could raise a net that still stops the car slightly less abruptly than these poles so there is not so much risk of injury to the occupants.

These bollards would be great for railroad grade crossings though! It would be worth slamming into a pole to not hit a train.
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I've been away for a while on training so a little late chiming in on this one but I'm wondering if the people who crashed into these were not trying to slip through but rather just following traffic and didn't realize they were there. If it was someone from out of the area not familiar with them then they may have just stopped behind the bus then proceeded when the bus did. However they did appear to be trying to speed through. I know there were warning signs there but driver inattention is a common thing in all parts of the world.
I want those for my front lawn so when the neighbors park on it I can block them in, or pop them up when they're about to park.