Our baby girl's first words..

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Congrats, definately one of the best things for a dad to hear!

Both my boys first words were Dada. I loved it, although my wife's family tries to say our oldest said mama first, but he more or less mumbled it in his baby gibberish and didn't actually say mam for another month or so, whereas once he said dada, he repeated it a lot.

BTW, I'm starting a grassroots campaign to get the spelling of mama to get changed to momma. Who's with me?


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Our daughter's first word was "hu-oh"...followed shortly by crap. If I only knew then how telling those first words would be......

BTW...you have a beatiful little girl.
I recall those days! Our oldest was a messy eater, and we used to tell him "Look at the mess you made!" One of my fondest memories is when my wife spilled her cereal in the chair next to his high chair.. He promptly told her... "ook at-uh mess-oo-made" (Spoken in toddler-eese..) I laughed so hard I thought my wife was going to smack me...

Enjoy it Griff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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