Out of Gas

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Spring, TX
Well, I did it. I ran out of gas. With a working gas gauge, and a thought that "I need to fill up" when I got in the Trac to go home last night. But then my wife called, and she was upset, and it took me awhile to get her calmed down. As I was reflecting on the conversation, I suddenly lost power. I instantly knew why, and a glance at the gauge confirmed that all I had left was fumes. I coasted to a stop on the shoulder about 1/4 mile from a station, so I got out and started to walk.

Then I remembered where I was. I was in Houston, and they have "Safe Clear" in place, where they tow your car for free to get it off the freeway, up to one mile. That's great, but if you're not there when they find the truck, they tow it to a yard! So I wait. And wait. And wait. I couldn't believe that I only saw one tow truck in 45 minutes, and it already had a car on it. In Houston! Seemingly the tow truck capital of the world!

Anyway, I had already called my roadside assistance, who arrived a minute after the tow truck. Two gallons of gas and it fired right up. Straight to a station and an $80 fill up! Let's not do that again!

I find myself these days running till the lgt comes on, than only filling about half way

Is denial for sure with gas prices.
Sorta layin back Rog, would hate to fill the pig at 4+ per gal, only to see gas prices plummet to $1.50 a gal next week:wacko:
I never let my truck get below 3/4 full most of the time.....I'ts cheaper to 'top it off' :)

Letting your truck run dry or almost.....the cost of a new fuel pump would be far more costly than a tank of gas.

Bill.....I don't think you will ever have to worry about the gas dropping down to $1.50 per gal any time soon. :)


I remember 22 cents, than we had gas wars at the corner stations, might go down to 19 cents

we also had star and bar stations, pump a gal get a 1 penny stamp to glue in your book like Bluechip stamps

In those days I was paid maybe a buck and hr, being retired today and with the economy in the tank. along with my SS and meager investments.

what go's around comes around, bringing in maybe a buck an hr these days:eek:
LOL dreman. I know what your talking about with that "safe clear" thing Houston has. It's a good thing until your own vehicle breaks down.

Sigh. I'm old enough to remember buying a $1 worth of gas and making it through the week.
as a kid I worked at the local service station, a full service one, we pumped the gas, cleaned the windshield, would change the oil and filter, even grease the suspension, mount and balance tires, put on snow chains in the winter, wash the car , etc., and I remember people coming in, saying "give me $5 worth, would stand there pumping gas for what seemed like an hour, and the '$5 bought 25 gallons for a caddy. gas wars it got down to $.05, five cents, thats right. the good ol days
I grew up working with my dad in service stations. I was about 7 or 8 when Carter made us have to turn off the pumps at certain times of the day and ration gas only to certain vehicles on certain days. Back then, I believe it was .85 or .90/gal for full service leaded regular. When I graduated high school in 1989, they had outlawed leaded regular, and it was 1.05/gal for full service regular unleaded. Good grief! I'm starting to sound like my grandfather!

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