Outside temp. gauge and Compass

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Aaron Cohn

Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Wayne, PA
After eight years and 125,000 miles my temp./compass does not work. Did anyone else have one that expired? Is there a fix or time to shell out and get a new one? Do I have to buy it from my friendly neighborhood Ford Dealer? I hate not Knowing how hot and nasty it is, and I refuse to buy one of those GPS units. Takes all the fun out of being lost. :cry:
There's a repair procedure floating around if you search for it. Bad solder joint, I think it is. If nobody else posts it I'll do it after while, got to run now. If all else fails I may have a spare console.
I had the same problem, went to the salvage yard and picked up another unit and was good as new. I saw the repair and it is easy if you have the correct solder gun.
It is a resistor that burns out. I took the resistor out and just put a jumper wire in mine. Been good for the last 3 years. The resistor is square and when you take it apart you see it rather easily as it will be black from being burned.
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Mine went dead as well. I just took it apart after reading the instructions someone provided regarding the resistor re-solder. I don't see any discoloration or signs of heat problem/solder breaks... hooked it back up and pressed on the components one by one and still nothing. It didn't go out all at once by the way.. kinda faded in and out for a couple weeks and then just gave up! Guess I'll start searching the salvage yards.

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