Pa hunters...

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shawn stonbraker 2

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2005
Reaction score
punxsutawney, PA
FWI, the Pa Game Commision has relaesed the Doe tag allocations for all WMU's and deer season restrictions, dates, and such on thier website. Just in case any want to know. ;)
So darned many dead deer on the side of the roads...they need to quadruble the number of doe tags instead of worrying about the bucks. You almost never see a roadkill buck. FWIW, I'm not a hunter. I would except that I can't see freezing my ass off in the woods. I despise cold weather with a passion.
Bundle up. ;)

I wish they'd open up on the doe tags here too. They're everywhere, and they're tasty, actually better than bucks.

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In CT, we have so many deer in a couple of hunt areas, that it's almost unlimited for doe tags. We start out with 4 archery tags. Get a doe and get a replacement tag after tag after tag.
Gary, that would be a dream come true for me. Haven't had to buy meat for awhile. Where I hunt it's 4 to a side for buck and that is hard to come by since they open the hunting early for Jr. and Sr. tag holders. By the time I get in the woods the deer are pretty spooked and running 200mph when I see them. It's hard to count horns when they are going that fast.:lol: To bad I'm an avid by the book hunter. Anyway, I do prefer the doe meat to buck. And as for the deer along side the road, in my area it seems you see them mostly along posted property that I know they don't let people hunt on it.;)
Mmmmm... a young tasty doe.. Had some steaks last night from a little skipper I shot in november.... Tender and tasty.... I think i am having some again tonight
Try some of this on that tasty venison. Man, I'm getting hungry!!! :D

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Here in No. Va. you can hunt for does from September through most of March. I'm definitely starting to get the itch again. Took the bow in for a new string and went and cleared some lanes at potential hunting sites last weekend. I like the Montreal seasoning on steak, I'll have to give it a try on venison.
in s.c. deer season runs from aug.15 till jan 1st.. just ask a game warden for a tag!! no limit on bucks!! the club(40 people) that hunts next to our farm got 90 deer total last year!! before you gasp--still deer eating moms flowers and farmers winter crops , two hit buy trucks in front of her farm----somebody bring a machine gun,i'll get the tags!!!
Deer populations are up in many areas...fewer hunters and they are getting older too. Way fewer young people getting into it. The sport has really changed since I used to snug up between my dad's legs on a freezing Nov. morning 50 yrs ago! Some of the biggest pop problems now are in and around metro PA, Philadelphia suburbs have major overpopulation problems. On Hilton Head Is., SC, homeowners don't know what to do--the deer are devouring ritzi yards with $50,000 landscapes. Course, the property owners don't want a little blood in the streets! Rock and the hard place I guess. They have tried to dart the does with chemical contraceptives....not really working tho. Its interesting how folks scream about hunting as a sport, yet when their BMW gets smashed.......go figure!