Passengers Riding in Pickup Truck Beds (Another Fatality)

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Feb 27, 2009
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Kailua-Oahu, Hawaii
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Another death caused from a passenger being thrown from the bed of a truck.

All six riding in the bed were ejected, four were seriously injured.

Only thirty states have restrictions for passengers riding in pickup beds.

Seat belt laws are strictly enforced in Hawaii, the highest compliance in the nation.

Hawaii law allows unrestrained riders 12 years or older, to ride in the back of a pickup.:banghead:

I've seen a driver with an empty cab, pulled over for not buckling up, with a bed full of intoxicated people.

I've even seen people sitting on top of the tailgate, while moving.

Not sure about our law for dogs, the "human" law is bad enough. :angry:

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The cops here stop every single vehicle they see with people riding in the back. They nail people with unrestrained dogs, too.
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Mark- That is excellent. :supercool:

Hawaii's HPD could learn from Wisconsin troopers, and enforcing laws.
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People here don't even bother TRYING to ride in the back because the likelihood of getting a ticket (or at least getting stopped and warned) is pretty high. Every now and then, a couple of high school kids will try it, but they don't seem to get too far without getting caught.

The cops use the rule that says there must be a regulation seat for every passenger and every passenger requires a seat belt. With the dogs, they're considered unsafe loads since they can fly out and potentially create a hazard to others. Pity the smartass high schooler or drunk that tries to ride on the roof or hood.
Back in the day when I was growing up, we'd always ride in the back of a pick up truck (we'd also ride bikes without helmets). But looking back now it really seems stupid doesn't it?
Here in Florida on the major highways I see workers riding in the back of trucks all the time. They don't ever get stopped or ticketed for it.
Here in Florida on the major highways I see workers riding in the back of trucks all the time. They don't ever get stopped or ticketed for it.

Lose a few of them and there's plenty more where they came from ................ :angry:

Besides, if the police stopped them they would be "profiling". :yawn:
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People here don't even bother TRYING to ride in the back because the likelihood of getting a ticket (or at least getting stopped and warned) is pretty high

Not here. It is an HTA offence to permit your dog or cargo to ride in the bed of your truck unless it is tethered. It is NOT illegal (here) to allow passengers to ride in the back of your truck.

Gerry Mac
Hell, here in Jersey, if you spit out the window you will likely get pulled over for littering our fine state highways. But if you watch the cops around here, you'll see flagrant cell phone use while driving, NO seatbelts on, supposed to allow for a faster exit from the vehicle. OH, and doing this with a large Dunkin Doughnuts coffee in their free hand. I just have to laugh about the hippocrasy of it all. BC :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Yeah and the interesting part about cops not wearing their seatbelts is that most of them wear a vest when they are far more likely to die in a crash then by getting shot.