PIAA 520 SMR Installed

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
, GA
Got the PIAAs installed this morning before work. Now just gotta make sure they're aimed correctly tonight after work. I'll get some night photos then.

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Thanks Eddie and Rodger/Georgia.

I live on a small back road and have a nearly 3/4 mi. long driveway. It's eerie seeing all those eyes watching me as I wind through the trees. Now I just see them sooner and they stay frozen longer.
It's eerie seeing all those eyes watching me as I wind through the trees

Hugh,,I hope they never run in front of the Cougar.

Back in the late '80s. A friend had a red xr7. He had restored it to the point of just needing repaint. It was stolen from the church parking lot.:sad:

Never found it.:fire:
Haha, I think it makes enough noise to let 'em know to keep a distance.

Ouch, that's really unfortunate for your friend. And from a church parking lot? That's terrible.

My dad had a '69 Cougar that he left on a friend's father's farm when he moved to Georgia. He went back a couple years later to bring it down with him and the farm had been sold and the car was gone. No idea what happened to it. All he has left from it is a polaroid and the title.

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