pointless post sorry

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Matthew McBride

Active Member
Jul 14, 2003
Reaction score
warren, OH
Will have a future post. Just want to appologize for the way this post turned out. Hopefully this won't happent to a future post or action will be taken.
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Caymen: LOL! That prior post was a good read.

People forget....it's not about the money, it's about the persons character. I would NEVER do business with someone who is willing to renegotiate their price like that.

Case in point: I was selling my wife's car two years ago. I had two appointments for the car to be looked at: One at 1:00, the other at 2:00. The 1:00 person didn't show, so I showed the car to the next person. Seconds after we accepted an offer from the second person the 1:00 person arrived and wanted to give us $500.00 more.

Could I have used the extra $500...sure. But a deal is a deal, and I don't do business like that. My conscience wouldn't allow me to do that.

Talk about people that have nothing better to do with their lives. Look, you can post all of you comments you want but for one, v6viking you have no idea what you are talking about nor do you need to be putting your nose where it does not belong. However I will let it be known that I made no deal with anyone reguarding the sell of my wheels in any proior posts I made to sell them. No one made me an offer therefore I can change the details of the sell (the price, what I choose to sell, or how I choose to sell it ect...) this is my perogative. However if a deal was reached I would hold up to my end of the bargin.

To reply to Caymen (Tom,) I don't know what you are complaining about. You wanted my spare, I was going to sell it to you for a fair price and you declined and started all this complaining. I spoke to Coastiejoe about buying my wheels and he wasn't interested. Sounds to me like there was no deal. I have the e-mail to prove it. So therefore I don't know what all this bad mouthing is about. I did nothing wrong.

I'm not going to play these games again on my post, I'm trying to make honest and fair sales (I already have and will ask him to put a post.) Caymen if you still want the spare its still for sell. We can meet in person to make it fair and honest. I'm not on here to make enemies.


no offence to everyone... but I think some people need to just take a break from the forum or something, seems every post nowadays gets picked apart and insults etc are thrown around. This goes for almsot everyone in this thread. Why can't we all just get along, it been a long time since i have seen consistent responses to a posting that were all positive, someone always seems to have there opinion and HAVE to voice it. Why can't we just be a nice, kind, considerate website that tried to help people not hinder them. I agree with both sides on this, the owner of the products has a right to change the prices if he likes if he made no official deal for them, but on the other hand it does look bad in the case of the persons character if you do the "bait and switch" thing. obviously the people most offended by matt arent even going to be dealing with him so why bother trying to pick him apart. Let him do what he wants and if he is truly a bad guy then he'll have to live with that... not you. Ok, im done, thats my rant for the day.


Hey I would like to thank you for coming in here and posting that. Your right, there's no reason why any of us shouldn't get along. We all have the same thing in common and that is our passion for Sport Trac's. I'm not here to screw anyone out of an item or money or anything. My reason for posting my items were either because I wanted to replace them or they have been sitting around collecting dust. Hopefully everything from here on out goes well and I can get back to conducting business.

Hey Derick, when have you ever dealt with me? Never so you worry about yourself. When you do business with me is when I'll care what you think about me. Its funny how one person gets mad because they don't get their way (I won't mention names but he knows who he is) and starts this. Then some people that have no mind of their own come on here and try to act like they know what their talking about. Just wait Cayman, Derick and v6viking one day you'll have a post and someone is going to go on there and bad mouth you. Think of how you would like it, but trust me it won't be me because I wouldn't go as low as that.
wow...the jerry springer show on the web...now which 1 lives in the trailer...just kidding i had to make light of this.. lifes to short to do this...Tom

Hopefully this won't happent to a future post or action will be taken.

Am I suposed to be scared?

I really should opologize to you for messing up your post. I am sorry. My brother is still looking for a spare wheel for his Explorer. I was serious about buying, I just felt it was dirty of you to raise your price once you saw there was someone interested in it. Personally, I would not do business with a company that raises the price when you are interested in it.

Imagine this happening to you. Would you want to buy from that company?

"I am interested in that car over there."


"I see the sign says $14,500."

"Yes, $14,500."

"I want to take it for a test drive" Drives away and comes back.

"Well, what do you think?"

"I want it."

"Great, the price is $15,000"

"The sign said $14,500"

"Sorry, we decided that was too low. We raised the price."

"Oh well, I guess you can keep it. I don't like those business practices."

"Here's the best thing out of this whole deal. This is my car and I make the prices for the cars. If you don't like the price I'm asking then don't bother me, I dont have time for this petty stuff. You think $15,000 means something to us? Keep dreaming, I own this dealership. $15,000 is pocket change."

"Sorry, No deal. Have a nice day"

Two months later...

"Vehicle for sale."

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Ok Tom, you know what I really never understood why you thought I was raising my prices till now. In all honesty, when I first went to sell my wheels and tires I was just throwing the spare in because I didnt think I would get anything out of it. But when you decided you were interested in just the spare and I found out the other potental buyer was no longer interested, I asked a friend what they thought just my spare alone was worth and told you that price of $100 and since I was just throwing the spare in with the other price of $550 for wheels and tires I didnt want to change that price so in other words the spare was going to be free with the purchase of the wheels, and I guess I should have worded it that way.

No I was not trying to scare you by puting future actions will be taken, I was just tired of my posts being torn apart and I wasnt going to have it happen again. I hope that after you read this you see where I was coming from and see that I did not intentionally raise my price when I found out someone was interested. Maybe you'll be willing to do business with me.

Please let me try to MODERATE this:

Matt, though what you did wasn't necessarily nice, nor fair, you are within your rights as the seller to define your price and terms.

You wanted to sell a package of items for $550.

If someone wanted to take LESS items from the package and you still want to sell the smaller package for $550, that's your perogative, though it may not seem fair, it is your right. In my mind, that's a NEW package of items with a new price. One would expect that the price for the package with the lesser items would be less than the one with more, but SINCE you didn't give a piecemeal price, that need not necessarily be the case.

If you then want to sell the remaining item from the package for $100, again, that's your perorogative.

I understand how some view this as "bait and switch" and renegotiating terms, but frankly, it really isn't. Matt never defined a price for the package sans spare, or the spare alone, or a per-piece set of prices. When others asked him to divide the package, essentially making two new packages and prices the new total was higher than the original $550...is that fair; maybe not; is it wrong...no, it's the seller's perogative. The buyers can always opt not to buy.

True bait and switch is when you offer a product at a price, then when a customer engages you change the product or the price. Matt never changed the product or its price...he seemed always willing to sell the original packaged product for $550. Some asked him to define NEW product sets, and didn't think the pricing of these new product sets was fair given the old product terms. I can appreciate that, but it is what it is.

Did I summarize the situation or did I miss something.

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Actually, Tom, you missed. Coastie was interested in the tires. Matt emailed him and told him he was not going to include the spare, even though the spare was included in the package. Coastie never emailed him back.

Already that says he felt he wanted more ut of the wheels then originally asked for.

If that is the case, Caymen, and Matt actually did say he was no longer offering the package with the spare and the price was still $550 for the tires only, then yes, by definition, that would be bait and switch.

It sounded more like from reading the posts, however, that Coastie didn't want the spare and you were trying to buy it instead. It sounds kinda like a chicken and egg now...was Matt coming up with new terms because he had two people asking for him to split the package, or did he split the package because he saw two people wanting different things??? We may never know.

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I just added to my previous post...it still isn't clear when he decided to split the package and come up with different prices...might have been in response to your and Coastie's wishes for the split.

He changed the price to $650 for the wheels and spare.

Per one of Matt's post.

I'm not afriad to admit that I wanted $550 for them before, but then when I found out that I could get $100 just out of the spare, the price went up.


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