pointless post sorry

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Okay, thanks, Tom, then yes, that is bait and switch. I thought the total price only went up to $650 IF he sold the two packages seperately, but that Matt was still willing to sell them together at $550 (that might not be as strange as it sounds if you consider he has to do extra and deal with two sellers instead of just one).

But if he actually raised his price because he found he could get more for the spare, well, than that's simply dishonest, IMHO. Would have been better to learn from the mistake and move on...and price things more carefully in the future (speaking generically now).

Matt, is this all accurate?

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It is true that I did e-mail Coastiejoe and tell him I was going to sell the spare seperate since I found out I could make something off of it because I was just throwing it in before, in the first place.(If you read earlier I said that I should have worded how I was selling it differently because I was just throwing the spare in for free but I didn't put that.) So as soon as I read my post and saw the message that said he was interested in the wheels and tires and then read the post that cayman was interested in the spare, I e-mailed coastiejoe and told him that I was no longer going to include the spare but the price stayed as is which was $550 which is fair market value. Then I told cayman that I would sell him the spare for $100 and I really felt that none of this that I did was wrong because everyone was kept informed and no AGREEMENTS had been made. Then coastiejoe e-mailed back that he was no longer interested because he no longer had his Trac and I have this e-mail for proof if you need to see it. Also where does it show that I raised the price? I never stated a price for the wheels, tires and spare after the original post. Also I never was in any written contract, no one ever accepted my offer and come to find out that Coastiejoe no longer owned a Trac. Why would I want to lose money and leave something posted like that when I found out I could make something off of it? I could see if I had sent coastiejoe the pics then he e-mail back and say ok I'll take them and then I e-mail back and say ok but I changed it so it doesn't include the spare; however I did not do this. I e-mailed him with the pics and the new details of the sell, then went to cayman and explained them to him. No contracts, no agreements, no problems or at least should not have been. Like you said earlier it's my perogative to change my price's or product in a sell as long as no contract has been made and no contract or agreement was ever made.

Just to reiterate, coastiejoe decided not to buy the wheels and tire because of the fact that he sold his Trac, not because of the change in product and that came from his e-mail to me.

One last thing, are we really going to keep this ball rolling? Cayman, you are making this out like I took someone's money and ran and gave them no product or sold them a damaged product. This is crazy that something as small as me changing the details of MY sell when in NO CONTRACT or AGREEMENT has been carried on for months now. If your interested in the spare still then let me know, otherwise please let this subject go, no harm was done to anyone and no one lost anything.

It is true that I did e-mail Coastiejoe and tell him I was going to sell the spare seperate since I found out I could make something off of it because I was just throwing it in before

So you did bait and switch the deal. The original offer was 550.00 including the spare. Then when I showed intrest in the spare, you changed the offer. 550.00 without the spare. Different deal.

Why am I pissed off about it? You are a scammer, plain and simple. Due to ignorance, you did not know what you have could be worth. Out of greed, you raised the price. Out of arrogance, you think you did nothing wrong with the attitude that 500.00 is nothing to you. Your attitude of raising the price shows that 500.00 is actually worth alot to you or you would not have raised the price in the first place.

Tom I'm done fighting with you over the petty matter. Call it as you will but the plain and simple truth is that you are pissed you did not get the spare for the price you wanted. Think about the whole matter this way. Coastiejoe never showed interest in the wheels and tires but you still wanted the spare, think anything would have been done differently? Or maybe I should have just told you no sorry I have it listed as a package and don't want to bait and switch, remember coastiejoe never was interested.

Remember don't bother me in future post, you don't like me or the way I conduct MY business, then stay away from me and my post and dont bash me anymore.

Sorry to rehash this through an attempt to moderate, guys.

Matt, regarding your "no AGREEMENTs made" point above, that is moot. You advertised product and price, then you retracted that offer for lesser product at the same price. That is bait and switch, regardless the reason. Any negotiations and agreements that might ensue after that initial advertisement of the offer should assume that $550 price as a ceiling.

My recommendation: If you want to redeem yourself at this point, Matt, take your lumps, admit you made a mistake, and offer the tires and spare again for the original $550 and move on with your life. I suspect people here will think better of you if you did that.

Or don't.

But don't rationalize your behavior, Matt. You listed the items as a package; a couple of people showed interest in them separated, you figured out you *might* have priced the items too low or maybe you didn't assume there would be interest in the spare alone; regardless, you then retracted the offer. That's simply not honest, not reputable, and not something we want to allow on a swap and sell board.

Is your reputation worth $100?

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Ok you know what I appolgize to Kevin for changing the terms of sale when he showed interest and to you too Tom. However the damage and done and for what, something as small as changing the terms of a sale because I screwed up. Honesty? I think dishonest would be more like selling a damage item and not saying it was damaged, or not sending a item after receiving payment. I admitting to making a mistake however the way I shall sell my wheels will not change. $500 for the wheels and tires and $100 for the spare and I still will take offers. The package deal will be for $550 to make you and Tom happy.



Well, that's a partial admission anyway, and I respect you for that.

Reread your post, please.

You said yourself "...because I screwed up".

When people screw up there are consequences. When you advertise something it is your responsibility to NOT screw up. If you do screw up, you may lose money.

What looks like a screw up to you that others should forgive you for and allow you to jack up a price to fix looks like taking advantage of people and bait and switch to others.

There is a long-standing precedent in the real world of sales called "the advertised price"...if something is listed at "an advertised price" it has to be sold at that price.

You have learned that lesson, and what it means to be responsible and reputable.

And you learned it for $100...that's a bargain.

P.S. Matt, Tom, I hope you both don't mind me butting on on this. I truly wanted to try to help, first by understanding, then by moderating. I would like nothing better than the sale to be made given the original advertised prices, and everyone involved to have learned something and to have come to some unemotional closure. Matt, if I used harsh words like "dishonest" it wasn't to judge you, just your actions. My words may have be been harsh and for that I will apologize; but I do think they were accurate as I tried to see both sides of this impartially.

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Well TJR I do thank for help us get past this matter and you did help me see what I did wrong. This will help me in the future and hopefully things will run more smoothly in my future posts.

Tom I don't want there to be any hard feelings. I'm sorry and as I said before, I'm here to make friends not enemies. Hopefull we can get past this and maybe have future dealings.

Tom, which rim do you want/need???

4 Dr, Sport Trac, (16x7), steel

4 Dr, Sport Trac, (16x7), alum, 5 straight spokes

4 Dr, Sport Trac, (16x7), alum, 5 angular spokes

I assume the steel one. If so, here are some options for you......

2004 Wheel Ford Explorer -(4 DR), SPT TRAC, (16X7), STL., (18HOL 05C048 $35 Robbin's Auto Parts USA-NC(Henrietta) Request_Quote 1-800-726-0275 Request_Insurance_Quote

2003 Wheel Ford Explorer -4 DR, SPT TRAC, (16X7), STL., 18 HOLES R60026 $35.01 LKQ of Northern California USA-CA(Redding) E-mail 1-800-424-2002

2003 Wheel Ford Explorer 4 Dr, Spt Trac, (16x7), Stl., 18 holes- 5-141 $35 CCS Salvage USA-AR(De-Queen) Request_Quote 1-800-426-9133 Request_Insurance_Quote

2001 Wheel Ford Explorer -4 Dr, exc. Spt Trac; 16x7, Stl.- 000 A 0 042098 $35.54

actual Gundies Inc. USA-WA(Bellingham) Request_Quote 1-800-444-4344

2002 Wheel Ford Explorer 4 Dr, Spt Trac, (16x7), Stl.- C50993 $35.24 LKQ of Central California USA-CA(Bakersfield) E-mail 1-800-832-8733

Let me know if you need other info....

No hard feelings. It is unfortunate though. I only live a few miles from you in Akron. Maybe we can crack open a cold one sometime. I know my way around Warren. Whenever I am in the area, I stop by the Hot Dogg Shoppe and have some Dogs and Fries with Sauce.

Coastie, I will be sending you an email.

Well let me know when your going to be in town again and we'll meet up for a dog and a cold one. Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me.

Purchased a pair of stock tail lights from matt for my wifes 03, matt and l agreed on $50 plus $20 ship and handlind they arrived in excellent condition and shape exactly as he stated, thanks again matt. dave monton

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