Popcorn ceilings??????????

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LaRue Medlin

In Memoriam 1955-2017
Sep 28, 2000
Reaction score
Sumter, SC
Any one have experiance scraping this junk off the ceiling. Our kicthen/dining room was flooded last week, and since they have all the flooring and everything else out of the rooms, we thought now would be the best time to tackle this job. Thoughts
I vaguely recall seeing a scraper tool, I think at Home Depot, that has a large blade with some sort of attachment that helps catch the falling pieces to not make such a mess.
Step one. Empty the room out.

Step two. Buy a roll of visqueen and cover anything and everything you don't want to get drywall crap all over.

Step three. Get a spray bottle with water and spray the ceiling down just enough to loosen the popcorn up and carefully scrap it off with a 12 inch dry wall knife. Try not to gouge the drywall, you'll just make more work for yourself when it comes time to finish it.

This is how I do it and it works great.

Oh and have fun cleaning up at the end. It rocks.

Since they just stripped out all the tile floors and I have NOTHING but kitchen cabinets left in the room. Now would be the time.............. Next week will be a challenge.... lots of plastic and floor covering
Ditto what gattorrich says except if you use a pump garden sprayer and make the spray be a fine mist it makes the spraying job easier. Use as little water as possible - try and experiment a little area. If you gouge the ceiling, which you will, drywall compound (mud) it and sand smooth. Be sure and let the ceiling completely dry prior to any finish work. Without a doubt, it will make a huge mess. There is some kind of attachment for a shop vac that can catch most of the scrapings but I don't remember where I saw it. Check DIY.com. Good Luck :supercool:
Ditto on gatorrich also I rounded the corners on the 12 inch scraper just slightly and that seems to stop the gauging. I also use a cake pan under the scraper to catch most if the droppings. Good luck.

I agree with everyone, especially Benny about using a cake pan or some kind of pan or box to catch the scrapings from the ceiling before they hit the floor. It makes clean up so much easier and you aren't walking around in the stuff on the floor which can be slippery and you will track it everywhere you go in the house.

I've see on one TV show where they had a scraper on a long pole (not sure if this was a tool you could buy). That would save a lot of Up & Down trips on a ladder One person scraped while another caught the scapings in a cardboard box. That looked like the best technique I have ever seen someone use.

To avoid gouging the ceiling with your scraper blade, you can round the corners off with a file. Even if you do gouge a little, you can easily fix it with a little spackle or drywall mud.

I don't envy you, so good luck :boohoo:

After the removal is done, check the drywall joints. I had my ceilings scraped, knock-down textured and painted and in certain light you can see the taped joints.

When the taper/mudders know the ceiling will be popcorn textured, they don't feather the mud out very far.
Mookie makes a good point. The reason they use popcorn ceilings is that the texture hides all the imperfections in the ceiling drywall which means they can slap it up quickly and don't have to worry about a perfectly smooth job.

You may even discover that they used a thinnier sheetrock and now the bows and undulations between ceiling joists show and looks terrible. I know some people who scrapped off the popcorn ceiling and were so disappointed, they installed 1X2 strapping and put up new thicker sheetrock to cover the old ceiling.

Find the guy who put it up.


Go to a bar and :haveabeer::haveabeer: until the cops come.

When you see the Judge and just say Popcorn Ceiling or Wallpaper and he/she will give you a divorce or limited jail time, no questions asked.

By the time you get out of jail it will have all fallen off.



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