Possible Look for 2007 Model

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seen the 2007 Ford Sport Trac Adrenalin pictures also. It is a lot lower Suspension

than the standard Spot Trac.

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I really HOPE that the Adrenaline we keep seeing is actually the production model. A 390 horsepower 'Trac would be one of the coolest vehicles Ford has ever released. Mine has around 300 horses and it runs like a bat out of hell, adding another 90 horses to that would be SPECTACULAR! My mechanic (the PR guy for BigFoot) knows the guy who designed the new adrenaline model at the SVT. He's SAID he can get me the suspension components that the new adrenaline uses. He might be blowing smoke up my butt, I dunno, but if he can, that would be really cool. I think the big problem would be getting the $$ for the suspension components! hehe

I'd be pulling up to the wrong side of the pump with that thing for a few weeks till I got used to the gas filler being on the passenger side.


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