Post a Caption to the Photo, Round 40

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Todd Z

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Seeing Todds turkey post I though we should do another one !!!

[Broken External Image]:
Hey look a giant turkey from over the rainbow fell on top of big bird. Wait a second thats not a giant turkey, its........oh no!
And what is Cookie Monster doing with his hands???? :eek:

(I suspect that Bert and Ernie have a good view of it--that's why they're smiling!!!) :lol:
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Everyone forgot the easiest one....."Tastes like chicken."

Cookie Monster, "Chicken, bird, it's all the same. Just doing what the Chik-fil-A cows have brainwashed me into."

Bert appears to be entranced as he thinks, "Ummm, giblets." (I'll just end that one right there)

And then Count said, "I love leftovers. One Big Bird w/lettuce & mayo sandwich, a-a-a-a, two Big Bird w/lettuce & mayo sandwiches, a-a-a-a, three Big Bird....."

Oscar stated, "Freakin' whiny bird never shut up anyways. And that imaginary friend (Snuffy), please, what was he on anyways to think he kept seeing a big hairy elephant like thing! If it was real we would eat it to. Dibs on the trunk!"

New TV show. Lost.....On Sesame Street, only the strong survive.

If he was going to be Buffalo style - he would be 'Big Birdski' but taste like a huge chicken wing.

In the South, they would deep fry his a$$.

Ok, enough for now.


"...and for Christmas dinner, we're having Snuffelupagus!!!"

"Hey look--The drumsticks come with their own onion rings!"

"Today's meal has been brought to you by the letters 'B', 'U', 'T', 'C', 'H', 'E', and 'R'. And by Gold-N-Plump."
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Elmo, "Well there's a whole hell of a lot more meat than last Thanksgiving when we had frog."

Cookie Monster, "Yea, all I got was a boney little drumstick. Sure, it tasted like chicken but we were all hungry an hour later. We should have gone out for Chinese instead."

Count, "What are you doing for Thanksgiving next year Elmo? A-a-a-a."
