I have been powder-coating my LeverLift/EZLift parts for about 5 years and have gotten by with Toaster-ovens. They work great for small items and are cheap enought to just throw away if they fail. I have upgraded twice going to larger units each time.
The last one I have been using for over a year is a rotiserie oven I picked up at Harbor Freight. It is much heigher, wider and deeper than most standard toaster-ovens and it only cost about $39. I keep the temperature set to 400 degrees and I just turn the timer to 30 minutes and start cooking the parts. It shuts off in 30 minutes even if I forget to.
All Powder-coating ovens should be used in a well ventilated area. I use mine only in my garage and then I open the overhead door when I'm powder-coating.
I wired two 50 amp circuits to hook up a nice used kitchen oven if I ever find one, but I have not been looking real hard yet. Heck, I've seen some new ones on sale at Sears for only about $269, so one should be able to find a decent used one for about $50 or less.