Power steering fluid leak?

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Joe Dirt

Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Surprise, AZ
Greets! Running an '03 Sport Trac that has developed a curious leak that has left me dumbfounded. In the driveway, when turning the wheel back and forth, everything looks and feels fine. No leaks, fluid levels normal, etc. Same as if I were to run the truck down to the mailbox or around the block.

But if I run it down to the local Chevron or HomeDepot (>1mi.), when I get out I find an explosion of (what looks to be) power steering fluid everywhere - squirted into the fan which makes a huge mess; no obvious cause of the leak is found, and the fluid level remains the same. Brake fluid also normal - can't think of any other fluids with this coloring/consistency. Fluids are not frothy or discolored.

Was wondering if I have a bum steering pump that, under load/acceleration, is leaking? There looks like there might be a leak of sorts back where the reservoir leads into the pump, but of course you can't see squat back there w/o taking off the pulley...

Looking for any other suggestions as to where to look... vehicle drives normally - there was no impact in/around the power steering pump area. Steering rack was replaced, but everything is snug and again no obvious source of leakage.... I would think that this mystery leak would cause an obvious loss of fluid, but so far things are fine.

Thanks in advance!
The PS fluid is Mercon Tranny fluid (Red) Check your transmission fluid level, there is a transmission cooler near the radiator I believe.

Note, they are 2 separate reservoirs, the tranny uses Mercon V, but they are the same color.

I just flushed my PS fluid and it was black, sludgy and runny. filled with Mobil 1 syn Mercon ATF and it is nice and red.
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Well - damn - maybe I shoulda' read the manual before putting in regular (clear) power steering fluid - wondering if I d*cked up something beyond repair now?

Checked the Tranny cooler - no leaks there. Will continue troubleshooting tomorrow... at least I owe you a thanks for pointing out my first problem (wrong fluid usage).
Been there.

Flush it asap and then check all connections for leaks. Hopefully you'll just have damaged the steering system with a slow deterioration of seals that takes 100K miles until a part fails.

Good luck.
There is no power steering cooler on this one - goes from reservoir to rack, from rack to pump, pump to reservoir. :(

I think I'll take off the fan, lightly tape some tissue paper around suspected areas of leak, then drive around the block and see if I can at least narrow it down. Just seems odd that it appears to be power steering fluid, but the level remains consistant.
I'm cursed... LOL

Flsuhed/refilled power steering with ATF fluid - ran around the block a few times - no leaks... at first glance. Looked closer and saw the undercarriage (rack and crossmembers area) covered in what looks to be clear power steering fluid...


Maybe I should just give up and let Ford look at it?! I cannot find an obvious leak anywhere - and all fluids remain normal regardless.
Try again, there is a power steering fluid cooler on it. Check it. All Tracs have one.

There's no power steering cooler on this one - I promise. I installed the rack myself, so I know where the plumbing goes...

But - my resolution came to me in a dream - thought I'd share with everyone (though embarrasing, would possibly help out a future member...)

When I first installed the rack, I had to 'fabricate' a fitting because I used an '01 rack in an '03 Sport Trac - gear inserts are different between the two years. The first two methods failed, and shot power steering fluid everywhere. Once resolved, I still had the 'leakage' as mentioned above (with the same clear PS flid that I flushed and thought was gone completely).

Then somewhere in my sleepiness last night I realized that it was liekly leftover PS fluid stuck in the lower cooling fins of the radiator, and was likely blowing out onto the fan when driving, thus creating this ambiguous leakage. So, when I got home tonight, I attacked the engine bay and radiator with the hose, drove to Home Depot - viola - no problems/no leaks.

So - my ******* was chasing nothing but residual PS stuck in the radiator. Embarrasing, but again, hopes it helps someone else in the future.

Thanks again to those that provided feedback!

- Don
Please enlighten me... draw an arrow to it:


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No response? But goodness Caymen, EVERY SportTrac has one, right? :rolleyes:

Maybe you'd be more adept at pointing out a headlight-lighting issue I'm having, instead? I know all SportTracs have THOSE...
Looks like one of two things happened. You installed the wrong steering rack or whomever installed your steering rack, installed the wrong one.

Read the repair manual, all Sport Trac's came stock with a PS cooler. It was never an option, it was standard.


ps, I must have missed your earlier post or I would have responded to it.

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