Pregnant Woman Survives Single Sport Trac Accident in Portsmouth, VA

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2002
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Mahomet, IL
OK, so I edited the headline to grab your attention.;)

Just saw this story on our local news. Note the vehicle in the pictures. A pretty tore up ST. I'd say that the fact she suffered minor injuries is a testament to the ST's safety.
Someone, somehow will find a way to say that the ST is prone to roll over.... :angry:

How many lives saved by the structural strength of the ST?

It's a keeper, I tell ya!:wub::D
Fer: The ST (like any high center of gravity vehicle) IS more prone to rollover than a passenger car. While I liked the utility of the ST, when it comes to a crash, I'd rather take my chances in a passenger car where my chances of keeping the 'shiny side up' is much higher.
What I meant is that someone will find a way to blame the ST. :)

I'd take my chances in

Don't worry she will sue Ford claiming A piller failed to prevent her from sustaining near death injuries. Sadly, she will probably win a 100 million dollar law suit. Enough with the sarcasim, I'm glad she ok.
I made my Trac safer by lowering the center of gravity. I took the topper off! Yipee!
In that first picture, I bet the firemen are like

"phew, she's okay, paramedics are on the way."

"oh sweet, she has the tonneau I needed one of those rubber lock covers..."

"dude, help me get this center console bag out, its in like perfect condition"

"I call the corners!"
Great, Now every time i speed and hit a curb i have to worry about my tire being ripped off.. Sheesh.....:(


Todd Z
Saw that on the news tonight too. She had a diabetic reaction and had the accident. 4 months pregnant and actually returning home from a diabetes class. She looked ok on the stretcher on the way to the ambulance. A passerby told the news crew that it looked like she was encased in protection from the airbags (she had the side curtain ones too it looked like from the news footage)

edit: Just read the WAVY news article....guess I should have done that before
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What on earth is a diabetic doing driving a car? Doesn't she know how to check her blood sugar before doing anything potentially dangerous (like driving a car)?
"What on earth is a diabetic doing driving a car?"

Is that sarcasm? If so it's not funny. Diabetes runs in my family and I have lost 2 uncles, both in their 30's, to the condition. I constantly have to monitor what I eat just to help reduce the chances that I will someday have Diabetes. Checking blood sugar helps, but it won't prevent accidents. It's like saying that 35+ men shouldn't drive cars because they COULD have a heart attack. I mean, it's their responsibility to check the blood pressure, cholestorol, and everything else 5x a day, right?
Jeff: No sarcasm intended. If she had previous shocks like this, she should have been more carefully monitoring her blood sugar levels. Who know, perhaps she has pregnancy-induced diabetes and wasn't familiar with treatment yet.

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